Good morning! A bit of good news today, as both the US and UK seem to be ramping up domestic production of their own protective gear, coronavirus testing kits, and ventilators. A much better idea than waiting for a supply to arrive from abroad, particularly since many Chinese-provided items have proven to be defective. The Netherlands recalled hundreds of thousands of masks purchased from China, while the Czech Republic said up to 80% of the testing kits it had received from China were faulty. In an in-depth article yesterday , the New York Times reported: HONG KONG — One man made fake Honeywell N95 respirators at a makeshift factory on a farm. Pharmacies sold ineffective knockoffs of a Chinese version of Clorox. In one Chinese province, authorities seized more than seven million masks that were substandard, mislabeled or counterfeited. China’s vast manufacturing machine has moved into overdrive to supply the country and the world with masks, testing kits, respirator...
That could be true, but it's hard to know, because Chinese government numbers are never reliable (and never have been, long before this crisis.)
What I'm really worried about is when the virus hits the global south and developing nations, which have limited health infrastructure.
Hopefully their warmer weather will help protect them.
That requires individual human police officers to threaten Grandma or Grandpa with police action, however, so let's see how that goes.
There's also the question of what happens when the officers themselves start to get sick.
We are going for walks and things but keeping our distance. It seems so unfair that the 70 + having to self isolate when a lot of them live by themselves anyway.
I just find it a little shocking yesterday that the queen went to church and now she's heading back to Buckingham Palace. I'm not quite certain that sets a very good example if the over 70s are supposed to be in isolation.
Hope like heck they are wrong. '
This came from what I consider a reliable source. If this happens people will panic. I don't believe any of our governments are prepared for this. I'm frightened. But trying to remain calm.
At any rate, this will certainly shape the Millennials and Gen-Z's life experiences, as much as the AIDS crisis, September 11, and the Kennedy assassination shaped previous generations.
Countries like Spain have threatened €25k fines or prison if people venture out during lockdown. Our new powers to be introduced won’t be a lot different. We are expected to get an update today from the PM Boris.
I’ve read over the last day or so that Covid 19 could last in the UK for a year. 😟
I see your comments!
The even/odd regulations is off & so is car-free day in Jakarta.
But The governor (nicknamed "GaBener" 😂😂) who I did not vote for used vague language which is prone to be misused by corrupt cops & so I carpooled with my dad, took a cab to my mother's apartment, and waited there until Father collects me.
The cooking school checked out temperature & asked how we got to the school. I think if you commuted by public transport, they'll let you take a replacement class when things get better.
We're a very polite people so the faculty was super apologetic about having to postpone classes & the inconvenience but I thanked them. Good judgment on their part since cooking classes are so hands-on.
I brought a face mask today although regular people don't actually need them:
My understanding is it's more important to not touch your face & wash/sanitise hands frequently.
But people are misinformed, especially at my mom's apartment complex everyone wears a mask, so I do too just to avoid scaring them.
I do it "socially" as a common courtesy, not for scientific reasons.
Now its being said (BBc) that what they meant was `reduce your jaunts out of the house - eg don't go to Bingo quite so often'. loud protests re stereotyping. Should have said bridge?
Ok to walk dog,
We're fortunate with a decent sized garden. So far it looks OK to go for walk around the block after dark - didn't see a soul yesterday evening. Must take torch tho' Dear Husband missed a step on a path, jarred his back, not happy.
I think I've found a milkman for doorstep deliveries. DH didn't like the idea of my `stretching' fresh milk with dried skimmed - I doubt if he'd notice!
Our main anxiety is that this computer is playing up big time; why now? Also our ISP email layout has been changed so I don't where I am, can only find the in box. please excused while I scream...
We aren't great users of mobile phones because we're in a `dead spot.' With my little Nokkia, I have to go 100m up the road to get a signal. A TV engineer who wanted to be paid by card had to go up to the attic and hang out of the Velux rooflight to get a signal for his little machine. Good job he didn't drop my card or it would have ended up in the gutter.
We can't go wifi either as the only space for the machine is in a room with aluminium-backed insulation around it, creating a Faraday cage.
isn't technology wonderful?
From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.,
#####So swine flu in the USA ...12,000+ died and younger people were more effected than elderly. Because this flu set their already strong immune systems into a frenzy. A cytokine-storm (u can look that up) that was deadly.
Can you not get a landline phone in your location? I appreciate your comment about a 'Faraday cage', not many would say such a thing (I took a year of physics at uni but I would not be astute enough to make such an analogy.) lol
Good luck with your garden. Growing your own food is a smart move and more people ought to do it. Now with people facing panic buying, those with gardens are looking even smarter! I was shocked at my local Walmart in a small community (about 7,000 residents and 12,000 students) how much of the shelves were bare! People are going crazy. A friend who works there said one lady had a whole cart full of peanut butter and crackers. Didn't know that was the cure for COVID-19. lol.
I was shocked at my local Walmart in a small community (about 7,000 residents and 12,000 students) how much of the shelves were bare! People are going crazy. A friend who works there said one lady had a whole cart full of peanut butter and crackers. Didn't know that was the cure for COVID-19. lol.
I did some panic buying of some favorite food essentials. I confess to buying 4 vacuum sealed jars (plastic) of salt free roasted peanuts. Lots of Canned salmon too. The woman above must eat peanut butter and crackers for hours while watching the boob tube.
"You said that there was going to be mass panic at the stores, and I should stock up now instead of waiting!" Oh. THAT right.
"Well, of course. That is how the supply chain and just in time operates. It will take awhile for things to be restocked. We don't notice it after a hurricane because the stores are still shut down until the electricity comes on; in the meantime, they can restock the dry goods and get trucks in within 24 hours of when the electricity comes back on for things like milk. Since you are already stocked up, you won't have to join the people that wait until they run out of toilet paper (for example) to buy."
Sadly, she went right after opening of the grocery stores today in order to purchase things for people that couldn't get out for themselves and the stores didn't yet have anything for people to restock as this is happening on a national and not a regional level.
On the military front, SIL's NG unit (not medical) has been put on a 2-week standby for activation. They were told to get all their excuses sent in as to why they can't be deployed but that they would all be denied.
Daughter said that at this point she *thinks* that she might be able to pick up the grandkids Friday evening, but that may change with little notice.
In case you think that her county is being strongly proactive on their own, they aren't. The state pandemic disaster plan has been activated and they are going through the steps to shut things down by the numbers and safely clear out the tourists (and spring break is really, really big for us).
It may be impossible to stop the spread or cure the virus, but I am hopeful for medical management so that cases to progress to ARDS/respiratory failure. This will probably take awhile.
At this time, no gatherings of more than 50 people in my area.
Forget about the stock market and the economy. Hopefully this is the wake up call businesses need to not have all their eggs in one basket. Divestiture from China needs to happen and other supply chains should be developed.
Not everything. Trader Joe's was low on soup. Will try again Wednesday when I have to go into Seattle to see my doctor.
How are you doing?
>>>Dr. William Haseltine, president of the global health think tank ACCESS Health International who recently chaired the U.S.-China Health Summit in Wuhan, where the virus likely originated, has a theory.
“There are four ways,” he told The Daily Beast. “One, it peters out with the weather. Two, everybody gets infected, so it’s got no new places to go... so it ends—but that’s a pretty horrible ending. Three is a vaccine, which is about a year away. Fourth way is the most likely: We’re going to have a few drugs, within a few weeks to a few months, that prevent people from getting infected—like PrEP for HIV—and for treatment.”<<<<
Please tell COVID that it only can infect people at certain times each day day! Sheesh.
"Among the new recommendations: Over the next 15 days, Americans should not gather in groups of more than 10 people, schooling should be at home and discretionary travel and social visits should be avoided. If anyone in a household tests positive for the virus, everyone who lives there should stay home."
In other COVID news, the DOW just dropped 2,000 points. Airlines are asking for bailout money. How about everybody else who has lost money and jobs?
@HelloBlueSky Welcome! I can't take ibuprofen or any of the other NSAIDs or aspirin, but just asking as a matter of curiousity: are all NSAIDs discouraged?
No, just ibuprofen. And people with cortisone treatment should consult their doctor in case of symptoms
Here in France we are now on lockdown. President Macron just said that we have to stay home.
In the worst case, we could have 300 000 deaths. It's huge, we are just 66 million people !
We compare our situation with Italy, our countries are quite similar, and the numbers there are frightening : 27980 cases, 2158 deaths today, and we follow their path with a 2 week delay.
My Grandfather's fist wife died in the great Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918. Now almost a hundred years later we are seeing another great scourge against humanity!
It will be interesting to see what happens when more testing becomes available. Some doctors are predicting that up to two thirds of the population will be infected!! hopefully the number of fatalities won't be in the 3 % range'
The truth is what you’ve just told me. And the stakes are very high - your children’s lives - so it is worth any fallout that might be caused. How could you ever forgive yourself if something happened to them?
Or lie. Tell her you or the kids have been exposed, or that you personally do not feel well. Minor lies like this are forgivable in this situation.
Stay safe everybody. Love and prayers going out to everyone.