Good morning! A bit of good news today, as both the US and UK seem to be ramping up domestic production of their own protective gear, coronavirus testing kits, and ventilators. A much better idea than waiting for a supply to arrive from abroad, particularly since many Chinese-provided items have proven to be defective. The Netherlands recalled hundreds of thousands of masks purchased from China, while the Czech Republic said up to 80% of the testing kits it had received from China were faulty. In an in-depth article yesterday , the New York Times reported: HONG KONG — One man made fake Honeywell N95 respirators at a makeshift factory on a farm. Pharmacies sold ineffective knockoffs of a Chinese version of Clorox. In one Chinese province, authorities seized more than seven million masks that were substandard, mislabeled or counterfeited. China’s vast manufacturing machine has moved into overdrive to supply the country and the world with masks, testing kits, respirator...
According to this Muslim journalist, Muslim households in the UK have been particularly susceptible to Corona deaths.
He says is because so many UK Muslims live in extended families, where grandchildren have regular exposure to grandparents, because serving dishes are often shared at the family table, and because people are closely crowded together in places of prayer.
In addition, he notes that most government information about the disease has only been available in English.
Another Muslim journalist says that 25% percent of the deaths in the UK so far have been Muslim elders.
The largest group of people suffering from Corona at this point is wealthy men who went away to the Alps to ski this winter and brought the virus back.
Still sad, because these were previously healthy men who have family, friends, and colleagues, but if anyone has the financial and personal resources to deal with this disease, they do.
Just read Trump has closed the our border with Mexico.
No one gets up until 12. Meanwhike, in our more affluent grocery, they were lined up outside at 8am.
I have a friend who works at Walmart and she said they just started limiting quantities of certain items and now the store doesn't open till 7:30am and closes at 8:30pm. But the worst was that she said some people from Houston drove up to get goods from our store as they are wiped out down there in what, the third largest US city. So us little people will have our merchandise bought by those who will come in from elsewhere?!!
I just read that Gov. Newsome in Calif. has ordered everyone to stay home unless they are going to approved places, grocery stores. farmer's markets. pharmacy's, health care clinics/hospitals, gas stations or traveling to care for a loved one. Violation would be a misdemeanor.
Glad to hear you went out & had some nature~ 🍃🌲
I am a high risk person due to age and chronic lung disease.
Wish everyone the best during these trying times.
Here's my rumor-mongering gossip: One of the managers at the DG where I got the milk (just one gallon) told me that they were notified that Florida may lock down the state as soon as Saturday but as they (DG employees) were considered essential employees, they would have to report to work. I doubt that is true because government would want to give the spring breakers time to get their butts home.
The restaurants were pretty-much empty but there were people at the drive-thru pickup window.
Latest stats from Florida from the website: The Florida Department of Health released a new round of data Friday morning that show an additional 88 cases of the disease, increasing the statewide total to 520 cases and 10 deaths.
Of those cases, 474 are Floridians and the remaining 46 are among non-residents. We have 103 Florida residents hospitalized (up from 90 yesterday) and 15 non-Florida residents hospitalized. The people with the virus are 60% male to 40% female. There is now 1 child in the 0 to 9 year age range that is positive. The largest single age group testing positive is the 60 to 69 age range at 22%.
Question: Is anyone eating fresh fruits and veggies? My husband bought some at the grocery store. I think they could have virus on them. Other ppl can freely touch, etc. My husband says he washes everything. I wonder if that works???
Going for a walk today. Stay calm and we’ll.
I post the Florida stats daily in case it can be helpful in determining for ourselves whether the presumed vitamin D here in the sunshine state may be helpful in keeping the immune system working well. While I'm out in the sun at noonish for an hour or more daily, husband is not, so I'm making him take a D3 supplement.
The number of cases in each country and world-wide is changing daily, but the following table is interesting as it shows clearly that age is a factor in who gets very sick and who dies:
Country-by-country comparisons will be interesting once the pandemic comes to an end, but I think we can surmise the following:
Closing border prevents infectious people coming in and starting the cycle of transmission all over again. (In my country, for the first 2 weeks all cases were people who had returned from overseas infected but not yet showing symptoms. Since then, the spread has started with local transmissions, which are rapidly catching up with the number of imported cases. We shut our borders too late.)
The more 'disciplined' a society, the more likely it is to aggressively track down contacts and the infected, forcibly isolate them and put a halt to transmission. In more open societies, many in the population have responded by ignoring advice and stockpiling food and toilet paper.
The following website has updated statistics:
A more detailed analysis for each country is found here:
For number of recorded cases, the top 10 countries are:
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
What the above tables do not show is when was the first recorded case and total population for each country (e.g. it started in China and that country has the biggest population in the world so one would expect their numbers to be high).
In London, exhortations are being ignored by the younger ones on the principle of `Won't-affect-me-and-I-don't-care-about-anyone-else'. (Thank you, Harry, for your condemnation of those older than yourself.)So all watering holes have now been ordered to close - tough luck on anyone expecting to go on their weekly bender tonight. Good.
Called at the pharmacy today, they've put a tape on the floor to restrict access to the counter, 1-at a time, and we are expected to queue outside. When it was my turn to pick up the rest of my prescription, I didn't even have to ask for it - one of the assistants appeared instantly with it in her hand. I think someone must have got a bollocking over how I was treated yesterday. My sweet, passive-aggressive, letter, suggesting improvements, is still in the post to them!
Today's Telegraph reports on the sad horse-racing-related deaths in NJ, also how the young in Florida, given to ignoring advice, are going down with the Lurgi.
That's very interesting about the number of Muslim casualties and deaths. Reporting this analysis in the UK papers would be anathema to the press and the Left. It's also interesting in relation to Vitamin D - lack of this has been implicated in the deaths in China & I venture to suggest it may also raise the risk for those are almost completely enshrouded in black.
One more point - there's a staggering difference in the death rates in Italy and China, partly due to the way the cause of deaths is recorded but more to do with the differing age structures of the population, far fewer old folk in China. Nevertheless, youth is no protection in China. It's the difference between absolute and relative rates.
Whether we're incarcerated for 3 weeks or 3 months, remains to be seen.
Forgot to buy hair colourant - I shall be almost snow-white by the time this is over. With a West-Country tanned face, I shall look as if I've dipped my head in a bucket of whitewash!
I heard...heard not know - that Walmart was restocking overnight so was told to go first thing in the morning when they open. None of the stores are running 24 hours anymore with the idea that they can clean and stock when no one is in store. I have no idea how well that is working and I have not been to that store since last week sometime.
Our HEB (you will be familiar but probably don't have one) is supposedly stocking well overnight and as ready to go in the am as they can be. I have more faith in HEB's stocking patterns than Walmart but my last visit there was last Friday.
I went to Dollar General in our small town Monday - and they were out of a lot of stuff and I have no faith in their continuous supply as they don't keep a lot of anything and the staff there is generally not knowledgeable..nice but not informed.
A small local (Brookshire Bros) store was also out of everything - but I was able to talk to cashier and find out when their truck was coming in and go a couple of hours after they unloaded to get flour and sugar.
I think I will be making a run to HEB and maybe by Walmart in the early morning (tomorrow) for things like milk and cereal and other stuff on my list which my 3 teens have consumed already. I am trying to go out no more than once every 4-5 days - longer if possible. We are well situated for quantity of food but since things keep getting clamped down further - I am going to stay as close to stocked up with fresh stuff and variety as I can for as long as I can. I won't be taking anyone else with me to minimize exposure and will sanitize myself after I come back...
I will let you all know - for those in TX it goes.
I've read your comments and I feel very lucky in my little french corner.
This morning I went to the supermarket and I didn't wait (entries are limited to avoid too much people in the same place).
Before entering there was hydroalcoolic gel and wipes offered in order to disinfect hands, caddy and scan.
Few toilet paper,few flour and eggs, but I found everything I needed. The supermarket continues offers and discounts as usual.
I didn't even queue for paying.
Wen I left, there was 15 people patiently waiting to enter. There's a priority for elderly, health professionals, disabled people and pregnant women.
This supermarket is opened from 8 am to 8 pm with cashiers then till midnight with automats.They say they have no stock problems for the weeks to come.
I felt relieved because I was ready for huge queues and food shortage.
Now I'm back in isolation. I worked from home for one week but next week I will be on partial unemployment(I will be paid 84 % of my wage by the State).
It’s always difficult to trust figures from the Chinese government about deaths there due to Coronavirus.
However, one of the big three companies “lost” more than 10 million customers in Jan-Feb of 2020, and one of its other big competitors also saw a decline. The third company stayed even.
In China, mobile phones aren’t just for talking or texting. They are the primary way you pay for goods and services, even food from street vendors. You also interact with the government using your phone, so you really need one.
Why did so many people suddenly give up their subscriptions?
This woman is writing about it:
Could be nothing, could be something very big.
I mean, here's hoping the businesses are all keeping healthy employees active only, but with the virus having the ability to hang-out unnoticed for sometime before symptoms show, my neurotic self wants to know the answers to these very important questions!
Here all the people working in a food department wear mask and gloves. So normally they can't sneeze on the food. So do people at the Burger King or KFC Drive.
Thank you for your response. Yes your comment could have been the one I read. Take care.
Thank you very much for your response also. I find your detailed account of the stores helpful and we are lucky our Brookshires is not as wiped out as Walmart (although the latter is way larger). I stopped in the Dollar General but it was so crowded I left. I am going to now just try to order online from Walmart as they don't have delivery but I can go pick them up without getting out of the car.
I stay on oxygen almost 24/7 so I really don't want to risk getting CV-19. Now my brother is moving back in tomorrow and he has a tenuous situation what with being on oral chemotherapy and having congestive heart failure which can cause his lungs to fill with fluids. The only thing my home care worker works also at Walmart and she is exposed to germs to a great degree (but she is so kind and good I don't want to lay her off).
Here in Texas oure Gov. is now saying we should not have gatherings greater than 10 people and restaurants and bars should do drive-thru's. I don't think he really meant bars though; however in our state beer/wine stores can have a drive-thru.
For number of recorded cases, the top 10 countries are:
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
What the above tables do not show is when was the first recorded case and total population for each country (e.g. it started in China and that country has the biggest population in the world so one would expect their numbers to be high).
I read La Repubblica (italian newspaper)because I'm concerned for my friend's families, and they have very informative maps, updated every day.
There's one map with the number of infected people and the inhabitant numbers of each european state.
Today, 10 am:
Italy : 1 case/1478 inhabitants
Switzerland : 1 case/2043 inhabitants
Spain : 1 case/2585 inhabitants
United Kingdom : 1 case/2689 inhabitants
Germany : 1 case/5364 inhabitants
France : 1 case/6130 inhabitants
Here's the original link :
From News4Jax: The Florida Department of Health released a new round of data on Friday evening that show an additional 43 cases of the disease, increasing the statewide total to 563 cases and 11 deaths.
Of those cases, 510 are Floridians and 53 are non-residents.
There are 117 hospitalized now so that has gone up, too.
Unless you have a weak immune system (lots of Vitamin C for that, plus other remedies that posters have recommended) or have a health condition that makes you fragile, you will not die and may not be very sick, but every person who is infected potentially infects others and the pandemic spreads.
It is odd that some people seem more vulnerable than others. Prince Albert of Monaco was observing protocols in not shaking hands and washing his hands in the recommended way often, yet he caught the virus. Others who were with him and around him at the same time seemed to not have been infected, but the incubation period can vary from person to person so one cannot be sure when he was infected.
@Hellobluesky: Thanks so much for that info about infections in Europe.
Nutty, I saw that article as well. All I'm going to say is that there is no way that I believe that Italy has had more deaths from COVID-19 than China.
China has a much bigger population than Italy so comparatively in terms of the percentage of the population that have been infected and died, Italy has been much harder hit than China.
China by far has had the most infections and deaths (the pandemic in the UK is minuscule compared with China) but China is a huge country with a very large population. These are 2019 statistics (population estimated):
China: (population) 1,433,783,686 (size Km²) 9,388,211
USA: (population) 329,064,917 (size Km²) 9,147,420
EU: (population) 444,986,729 (size Km²) 3,997,838
Iran: (population) 82,913,906 (size Km²) 1,648,195
Italy: (population) 60,550,075 (size Km²) 301,340
UK: (population) 67,545,757 (size Km²) 242,495
These statistics are changing all the time, but here are the number of infections and deaths per country/region:
China: (infections) 81,008 (deaths) 3,255
Italy (infections) 47,021 (deaths) 4,032
Iran (infections) 19,644 (deaths) 1,433
USA (infections) 19,522 (deaths) 262
UK (infections) 3,983 (deaths) 177
@Nutty flavor Thank you for your blog (and this new one). Your blog and all of the faithful contributors have been my constant companion ever since I discovered you from a CDaN post. I had Meg’s number from Day 1, way before anyone I knew smelled a rat.
We are on “Safer at Home” lockdown here in Los Angeles. School is closed indefinitely, which means this Mama is in homeschooling hell. My husband is working from home indefinitely, as 2 of his coworkers in Chicago and NYC tested positive (with mild symptoms and recovering slowly, never admitted to hospital). Anyway, this is my very first comment EVER! So happy to have found y’all.... I raise a glass of vodka to you all. Stay safe and healthy.
We did some shopping in the Russian market. Not a lot of Russians here (enough for a market though) and most Americans won’t go, so we got flour and some other stuff. So maybe try ethnic markets if you really need something? If you’re willing to try something new. The things I get there, I’m used to, so it isn’t weird or unpalatable for me but if you’re picky, maybe just stick to the usual stuff.
I also am not trying to get political but I think Trump is doing the best he (or anyone) can do, with half the country against him and willing to use this as a way to destroy him. People are insane and need to get a grip.
I work at a pet food and supply store in a suburb of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. (I live just across the river in Wisconsin). We were so busy today. Everyone in the area, it seems, is working from home. They are all bored, so they are venturing out. That’s certainly not the way to slow the spread. People are coming out and shopping. Going to several crowded stores in one trip. Lots of people. It was like Black Friday at my store. It’s really discouraging.
People aren’t really out of much, but we did have some buying several bags of dog food, just in case. Most were out browsing, socializing, and having a grand old time.
We are considered essential, like grocery store workers. It’s just so disheartening, hearing people bragging about being important yet bored. No one thinks it’s real yet, but here are my coworkers and I dealing with hundreds of angry customers (because they have to wait in line and aren’t serviced NOW). And yet I get it, my dog and two cats are so important to me.
My store is in a very affluent area. As in, high school and college kids don’t have to work, everyone drives Audi or Range Rover, etc.
I saw a very profound thing today online “next week’s critical patients don’t even know they are sick yet”.
It’s just so counterproductive to have alllllll these people out and about, being bored, when the virus is a very real threat.
All restaurants are closed here except for take out. I am sure they are flooded with people too.
It’s just so strange. Stay home from work, act like it’s a vacation, and go shop.
My country is trying to stop the spread and deal with the infections (still low but now spreading through local infections) by declaring a state of disaster (state of emergency has memories of political oppression so the government will use that as a last resort), which basically gives the government the power to redirect funds and impose restrictions without having to go through the democratic process, which is slow as it has so many checks and balances.
The problem I see with shutting everything down are basically twofold:
1. The economic fallout will be huge.
2. As soon as everything opens up again, if the virus is still out there, it will once again infiltrate and spread. If it is mutating, it will be still as dangerous.
I suppose introducing emergency measures is to slow down the progress of the spread so that the country can cope with the number of people who need hospitalisation and who will die. I think governments are hoping they can manage the situation until a vaccine/cure can be found and manufactured in huge quantities. Psychics predict that the pandemic will be over round about June and will not return. There are so many scientists trying to find some kind of cure or vaccine for immunity that June just may be possible.
Can the Harkles tough it out in isolation on Vancouver Island until the world opens up again? Meghan would have no shame in returning to the UK and the BRF and resuming royal duties but I suspect they would have to sit it out for the agreed 12 months, which only starts at the beginning of April. Anything could happen in that time.
The latest IG post about training to be a counsellor online and all the rest of the word salad of trying to stay relevant is bizarre. They increasingly seem so out of touch and seem to be getting everything wrong. Do you think they have cabin fever? So far in their marriage they have taken time out from each other quite often and gone off and kept busy on their own but there must be little opportunity for that on Vancouver Island. Neither seem to me to be the type of person who would read good novels or learn a new skill (painting is in Harry's family).
We sell specialized pet food. I love that people love their pets. I wouldn’t feed my hyperthyroid kitty anything but the food that has changed her life, and it’s not available at Walmart. I appreciate that people buy high end food for their pets, because I do.
I love my job, and I love to support our small business. I am now just worried.
According to government regulations, we are as essential as grocery workers. I have no quibble with that. I DO have issues with the people in my store bragging about the vacation of working from home and getting angry when we can’t drop other customers to help them. My issue is with entitled clueless people who think it’s so fun to be out shopping because they are bored. This isn’t helping.
I’m very anxious working there. But again, I love my job. It’s just so confounding, all the people out and about in the community. It’s like a weird dream.
Greetings everyone. Nutty - good to hear you had sunshine. It has been raining all day.
Grocery delivery: someone posted on my FB feed that they were told it would be a week for them (immune compromised) in large city.
One of the risk factors seems to be smoking and or vaping.
I have been out in the grocery stores. It is interesting to see what has not been sold in some places (like certain brands of detergents). I admit I will visit several groceries in a day to be able to get this or that. I know that at some point I will have to probably stop that but we have no nearby grocery stores so someone has to leave.
SO and I work from home and are used to being in each other's company. But, wow. We are really getting stressed with self isolating. Meanwhile, my family in SC is wandering around like they are at the fair. I would like to punch them and I am not a violent person. Lol. This is awful. I am enjoying my bluebirds nesting in the backyard, peacefully oblivious to the contagion.
Does anyone think China will be held responsible for this collapse of society? Additionally, the Military here will have to join with Amazon and supermarkets to dispense food and supplies bc all the staff will be infected. I believe this is when the real panic starts. Trader Joe's is packed and small and when I asked about curbside for under ten items he said you can come in we are really clean as are our customers. He coughed the entire phone call. My guess this will begin in under two weeks. My bil works with the military and more and more have been called up.
Please stay safe, Nutties!
Sandie are you in SA?
Yes, I am in a rural area in the Western Cape, watching as the virus spreads and people ignore all advice and go from stupid to crazy!
1. Many South Africans have domestic workers and this is going to cause the virus to jump from one community into another, even with a partial shut down and self isolating. If the domestic workers are told to stay at home to avoid infection, they will suffer economic hardship by losing income.
2. The population of South Africa is young (far more under 30s than over 60s), but HIV, diabetes, TB and other 'lifestyle' conditions are rife so a lot of people are at risk.
3. Despite the Minister of health and the President acting relatively swiftly and giving clear and comprehensive briefings (there is no uncertainty - they have a game plan and they are communicating that), people are still not listening. A couple in their 80s returned from a holiday in Europe, started to feel ill and contacted their local hospital for testing (since they can afford it, they use private health care). The hospital said it did not have quarantine facilities - a hospital (more the size of a large clinic) in a city!
4. It is almost 3 weeks since the first case was diagnosed and there are no deaths yet. Does anyone know the basic timeline between diagnosis of first case and first death (average)? The spread is at a stage now when the numbers of cases are doubling about every three/four days (and there may be people who are infected and contagious but are asymptomatic or mildly ill).
Stay safe everyone.
Be extra cautious about infecting others, even if you do not have the virus. It's a good habit to cultivate.
Help out others and check up on those who are alone and vulnerable.
Enjoy binge watching series and catching up on reading good books.
Keeping safe in Spain while doing normal things! This is the funniest thing I have seen and perhaps the most inventive way.
As of 21 March (I think the first case was about 4 March):
7425 people tested
240 positive results
Rounded up, that's 13%.
Does anyone have statistics in other countries? Is this panic (I have coronavirus ... I am going to die ...) or are medical personnel being cautious (when in any doubt, find out)?
So, another night, another glass of Tito's is raised to all y'all Nutties... and especially you, @CatEyes. Must get some shuteye, as yet another day of Homeschooling (oh, I mean "Remote Learning") is already breathing down my neck. UGH. This. Is. HELL.