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Corona Virus Blog, March 22, 2020

It's a new day - and it's Mother's Day in the UK.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson has specifically asked people not to visit their mothers but to call them or Skype with them instead.

Let's continue the conversation.


Nutty Flavor said…
The most fun link I've seen today is this one: wild boars have come out of the mountains and returned to Barcelona, now that the humans are all inside.

Nature didn't miss us for very long!
Nutty Flavor said…
The link is for anyone who prefers to avoid click-throughs.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
I love how the President's mask matches her otufit: 💜

Too bad for men and their boring outfits LOL.
Portcitygirl said…

This is what should be offered in each country now!
Portcitygirl said…
Also, our wildlife is coming out as well. Many Coyote and fox.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
Can you imagine if this happened in the 19th century?
Fabulous news! Good to know my relatives are flourishing!

In fact, my handle can be interpreted as `Wild Boar Protection' perhaps by the boar being a totem animal, as in the use of boar figures on helmets in earlier cultures, or perhaps it denoted an invocation to the goddess Freya, who had a boar called Hildisvíni.

It appears that both Saxons and Vikings had female warriors - hildr (singular, I don't know the plural). Freya's feast was in midwinter - hence the Boar's Head Carol.

Still roaming our streets are the young, potential candidates for the Darwin Awards
Miggy said…
Thanks for the wild boar link @Nutty.

I copied and saved this tweet on the 17th March as thought it apt.

It read:

"Wow... Earth is recovering

- Air pollution is slowing down
- Water pollution is clearing up
- Natural wildlife returning home

Coronavirus is Earth's vaccine

We're the virus."
SwampWoman said…
Florida statistics: New Florida cases include:

67 additional positive COVID-19 cases (62 Florida residents and 5 non-Florida residents) reported to the Florida Department of Health.
There are currently 768 positive cases in Florida residents and 62 positive cases in non-Florida residents.

That's 830 positive cases, folks, and an additional death bringing us to 13. The majority of cases continue to be under 60. Sadly, assisted living and nursing homes have been infected.

We should get lots of new cases in a week to two weeks after spring break (or the states that the infected return to). If you have had a kid off on spring break, make sure he/she goes into quarantine upon return. It looks like we're going to get herd immunity good and hard.
abbyh said…

Darwin Awards ... very true

This, sadly, speaks loudly about this concept:
Your earlier comment, SwampWoman, about the high temperature in Florida puts paid to any hope of the situation improving with warmer weather, although a medical officer on TV has just said that UV destroys the bugs. It'll be interesting to see whether there's any relationship with Relative Humidity.

Over here, we're feeling relieved that our local Holiday Park (`one of the largest caravan parks in Europe' according to the blurb) has delayed its opening for at least four weeks. Thank goodness. I estimate it brings in tens of thousands of people at a time, at least doubling the local population, but, apart from offering low-paid employment to caravan cleaners, I'm dubious about its benefit to the local community.

Btw whenever I float the idea that `Tourism' is a questionable ideology (why else is it an `ism'?) I am greeted by screams of fury by those who haven't really thought about it. I'm far from being a Marxist but wasn't it our Karl who defined an `ideology' as something presented as a self -evident truth by those with a vested interest?

I wonder if the epidemic will have any effect on attitudes?
Portcitygirl said…

You are right about those kids from SB. I worry most about going to out every ten days or so for supplies. We have most of what we need but seem to need something every 2 wks. Here in NC, the stores are like football stadiums. People seem to think the grocery stores don't have the virus. Smdhh.

Our hospital is already at capacity. Seems the gov't fema is going to step in to help with the bodies, ignoring the help we could have used on front end with beefing up delivery for those showing symptoms to keep them home. This is a bioweapon and I don't understand why more military have not been called upon to help. If not now, when?
Nutty Flavor said…
Actor Daniel Dae Kim has recovered from Corona Virus and is talking about the medications that helped him.

Meanwhile, NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo has ordered tens of thousands of doses of similar drugs for a massive test beginning this week.

If it works, you heard it here first: Joe Biden (who has not been seen for 6 days) withdraws from the Democratic nomination contest in favor of Cuomo.
Nutty Flavor said…
Link to more info about Cuomo plan:

FWIW, the necessary pharmaceuticals are reportedly made in West Virginia, not China.
Hellobluesky said…
@ Nutty,

In France too, there are tests, we hope to have results within 15 days.

Chloroquine is actually used in the Marseille general hospital, and will be used in the Nice one.
As Daniel Dae Kim, some people say Choloroquine shortened their symptoms.

Let's hope...
Scandi Sanskrit said…
Are you talking about Hydrichloroquine (marketed as Hydrobet)?

Because I used to take that for my Sjögren's syndrome. But then it felt too toxic for me (actually the most toxic-tasting thing to ever grace my palate, when I put it in my mouth and found my glass empty lol).

They're finding that medication used for Sjögren's that aren't immunosuppressive help with COVID-19.

They either help or make things worse.

I happen to take turmeric pills now & they're he best. The Indonesian government is also advising people to consume more curcumin (turmeric) & ginger to boost immune system. Garlic helps with immune system too but there's no evidence garlic helps with COVID-19.

Me, I'm kind of resigned & trying not to get too excited about the Hydrobet news:

But trying to lol at as many memes as possible for now. And being as "business as usual" as I can.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
*Hydrochloroquine (not Hydrichloroquine )
Scandi Sanskrit said…
A chef I follow reposted this:
Ian's Girl said…
One good piece of news for my fellow Americans is that it looks to me like deaths are falling off. New cases are still rising, naturally, but actual deaths seem to have peaked on March 18/19th.

Fingers crossed that the trend holds.
Animal Lover said…

If it works, you heard it here first: Joe Biden (who has not been seen for 6 days) withdraws from the Democratic nomination contest in favor of Cuomo.

Or maybe Biden picks Cuomo as his VP instead of a woman.

Deaths are not falling off in the US. NY now has about 119 deaths, double since yesterday.
brown-eyed said…
If you are in air-conditioning when it is really hot and humid outside, the virus will live in the air conditioning for about 5 days on a smooth surface. BUT in high heat and humidity, it has a short life. Just read a newly published article about CORvID19 in a medical journal. That is only one report, but is consistent with experience with SAR virus. Just Google.
Fairy Crocodile said…
What is the situation in your country with flights from highly effected areas? UK still allows flights from China, Spain, Italy, Iran. There are already reports about people attacking Chinese on the streets.

People report no checks in the airports, even temperatures are not checked! Looks like anybody who got ill can just enter and use our health service if he doesn't get adequate help at home.
MeliticusBee said…
@Scandi - yes one of the drugs is hydroxychloroquine, marketed as Plaquenil in the US. The other malaria drug is Chloroquine - which is not used in the US but the FDA has fast-tracked approval for.
Both are antimalarials..and used for RA, Lupus and others - also for HIV patients with opportunistic infections.
The antimalarial quinines are quite toxic... in long-term use. Frankly, they are just short of being insecticides - as they were intended to treat a spirochete infection, an odd, creepy little non-bacteria microorganism. In short term use - for most people, they are tolerable....particularly when the alternative is drowning by phlegm.

The antimalarials are being combined with azithromycin, an antibiotic which also has some antiinflammatory processes.

The combination may be effective...because of slight immune suppression as people appear to be dying after a cytokine storm of inflammatory cells and fluids - floods the lungs so that the person cannot get any oxygen and essentially drowns....and any antiviral properties the drugs have.
Hellobluesky said…
Wow, just wow, such a shame :

Czech Republic sends face masks to Italy after China shipment 'stolen'
Ian's Girl said…
@ Animal Lover, I apologize for faulty stats. I am going off CDC numbers which must be lagging behind your real-time data. They still show New York with 56 deaths.
Scandi Sanskrit said…

That's awesome. Thanks for sharing!

I had a feeling Hydrochloroquine was only good for short-term use! It wasn't even my autoimmune specialists' first choice (only prescribed to me after I complained about Imuran).

Hope it helps people at least for now. (Not sure if this COVID-19 strain will last forever and be the new "common" flu?)
SwampWoman said…
Florida Department of Health 6 p.m. update. *sigh* 1007 cases now positive in Florida, 13 deaths (avg. age 75, ages ranging from 68 to 96). However, the hospitalized number is far higher this evening with 181 hospitalized. Again, the number of young positives are higher than the older people but, as this spreads through the assisted living communities, the death rate is going to go much higher. We have a LOT of retirees.

We do have a lot of college students testing positive. Happy spring break! Hope you survive, beer may help, enjoy your immunity. For now, until it mutates.
SwampWoman said…
Portcitygirl said Our hospital is already at capacity. Seems the gov't fema is going to step in to help with the bodies, ignoring the help we could have used on front end with beefing up delivery for those showing symptoms to keep them home. This is a bioweapon and I don't understand why more military have not been called upon to help. If not now, when?

I think a lot of people do not understand what FEMA is for. It is not and never will be a first responder; they are there to provide assistance to the state. Your government sends requests, they will fulfill them if they have the means to do so. They will only do what your government asks for. Think of them as a clearinghouse for ordering supplies in bulk and delivering them, or providing mobile hospital assistance (delivering the hospitals, your government will run them).

Law enforcement will come from your government. National Guard troops will come from your government. Our governor (and his department heads) activated the NG troops that he needed; Son in law is on standby with his unit. Our governor has had three mobile hospitals set up where they believe the greatest demand will be and can pack up and move them if necessary. In addition, they have identified closed hospital facilities to reopen. He has spoken with hotel chains about using their rooms for people that need to be moved away from their home or facility when testing positive.

Gov. has been following our emergency pandemic plan with limiting gatherings, closing schools, parks, etc., and it is up to local governments in the state, the counties and city governments, to follow through or take stronger action as necessary. For example, the Jacksonville mayor (and mayors of adjoining beach communities) took stronger action than initially called for by the governor, and shut down sooner. Our county took one look at the spring breakers arriving at the beach, said "Aw, HELL no!" and closed down. Some beaches are still open.
SwampWoman said…
The lab tests by private companies in Florida have now surpassed the lab tests by the state and CDC. Florida/labs have now performed over 10,000 tests (and increasing daily) with 1007 positive. The first day of testing in a drive thru location in Broward county resulted in over 700 tests done by close of business. I believe the second day, they were at over 400 during the press conference.

I'm not sure about the turnaround time of the tests; I do believe that the new one that will be available Friday (?) will be ready in 15 minutes. AND they don't have to swab around in your skull somewhere via a long swab through the nostril. Ewwwww. Just no, no matter how ill I am. On the other hand, the people requesting that to be done to them must have a pretty good idea that they have it.
Anonymous said…
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SwampWoman said…
brown-eyed said...
If you are in air-conditioning when it is really hot and humid outside, the virus will live in the air conditioning for about 5 days on a smooth surface. BUT in high heat and humidity, it has a short life. Just read a newly published article about CORvID19 in a medical journal. That is only one report, but is consistent with experience with SAR virus. Just Google.

Our air conditioner part should be arriving tomorrow, maybe. In the meantime, the CV probably won't last long inside the house! I really don't care for the temps to get much below 80F (@ 27C) but I do like the humidity to be below 90%. I'm happy at 77F to 80F at 60% humidity. (Currently 61% humidity, perfectly comfortable.)
SwampWoman said…
@Scandi Sanskrit: I happen to take turmeric pills now & they're he best. The Indonesian government is also advising people to consume more curcumin (turmeric) & ginger to boost immune system. Garlic helps with immune system too but there's no evidence garlic helps with COVID-19.

Fantastic! When I make my morning coffee, I sprinkle in powdered ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and cloves, then swirl it around to incorporate it into the grounds before turning on the coffee maker. (I just like spiced coffee!) You mean I may be accidentally drinking something GOOD for me? *THUD* (<---sound of me attempting a ladylike swoon which looks more like a cow suddenly toppling over) There is no way in hell that I'm putting garlic in the morning coffee, though.
SwampWoman said…
@Elle, so happy that you are numbered along the living. Are you wearing a mask to work? Joann's Fabrics have patterns and instructions on YouTube; they are giving their customers kits with elastic and fabric to sew surgical masks for hospital and nursing home employees until such time as manufacturing can replace the Chinese-made protective wear.

I was looking at those and thinking "Hunh. If I left a pocket, I bet I could get one of my Swiffer Duster refills in there!" because you KNOW those things electrostatically hold onto dust, etc. Then I came to my senses and slapped myself on the head. Can you imagine what that would even look like? Your co-workers would probably think you'd gone slap crazy and stay at least 8 feet away from you then. Oooh, oooh, especially if you just stapled rubber bands on it to wrap around your ears and just wore the duster over your face. It would look like a half roll of shredded toilet paper. You might get some sort of paid time off because the stress had driven you all crazy.
Anonymous said…
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SwampWoman said…
Anyway, I think that this is the beginning of Shelter in Place. I don't see how Inslee has much choice since the Seattle beaches were crazy full this weekend. If he does that and we are all forced to work from home (or, in my case, be on admin leave), then I'll probably live. Otherwise, enjoy my comments while you can lol.

It is as if people have no sense of personal responsibility for their own wellness (or illness) of either themselves or their children.

Who would have thought, though, just three months ago, we would be wondering whether we would still be alive in a month? I've been extremely tired lately, exhausted, which isn't like me at all, then that little voice inside my head says things like "Extreme exhaustion is a sign of COVID-19. You'll probably wake up with a high temperature and it will all go to hell from there." Then I think "Well, if I'm fixin' to die, might as well bake a pie and eat that whole thing because they won't be feeding me while I'm on the ventilator", and that little voice says "You know, you shouldn't do that because the dental offices are all shut down and you might get cavities".

I'm ready to bitch slap that little voice into next week.
Anonymous said…
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Scandi Sanskrit said…
@ SwampWoman: Yes, congrats on accidentally taking something good. There are studies on turmeric. I've got an entire playlist about common yellow/orange turmeric & zedori (white turmeric). All Good stuff! 🧡💛


am going to make a cherry pie for it because I might be dead in a month

THAT'S THE SPIRIT!! 👍🏼👍🏼🍒🥧🥃🥃🥃🍷

I've got 2kg of sugar now at my dad's house (bought at jacked-up ~300% markup price). Seriously WHO DOES THAT? It takes a special kind of greed and a-hole to resell at prices like that during time me like this.

I feel like an a-hole enough for buying 2 kilos per household (mom's apartment & dad's house). But I justified it as my mom's gone without sugar in her tea/coffee for weeks and at my dad's there's Me, my brother, dad, the live-in house staff (+ me being in cooking school I practice a lot).

Not everybody is an a-hole. It brings out the good in good people too, I've noticed. (Just depends on their default settings as humans.)💜
Scandi Sanskrit said…
PS: My brother's company wouldn't let him take public transport & ordered employees back to their family homes. So they arranged for a driver to drive him from Surabaya (that's near Bali) to Jakarta (the other end of the island in West Java) which would have been an hour's flight! It's 1:1 driver per employee to keep everyone safe. Amazing employer. 💜
Scandi Sanskrit said…
Also I got a 5kg bag of rice for IDR 85K (it's usually only about IDR 50k for 5 kilos). It's Indonesia for heavens sakes, rice shouldn't cost that much here!! 🍚
Anonymous said…
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Scandi Sanskrit said…
Thanks for sharing the pie recipe, Elle. 💜

I've eaten a bunch of Choco-Pie & Astor myself. 😂😂 Just stuffing my face. 🍫

I was just tweeting to somebody who retweeted Madonna's video 🌹 saying that COVID-19 doesn't care if you're funny. But I don't believe that's true because if you LOL a lot, then you're happy & being happy is good for your immune system.

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