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Corona Virus Blog, March 30, 2020

Good morning! There are some reports from the UK that the rate of infection is beginning to slow down, although a number of people will still, unfortunately, develop symptoms.

And, on the lighter side, men are being told to shave their beards for hygiene reasons, and because a ventilator might not fit well over a beard or moustache.

Here's a fun story of an ex-Marine whose wife had never seen him without facial hair - until now.


SwampWoman said…
ROFL. SwampMan and I had this conversation but he brought it up because I said he was going to have to wear a mask in public soon. ( BEARD!) Now he sports a luxuriant handlebar mustache.
SwampWoman said…
Also, ZZ Top had beards. That guy had long stubble.
abbyh said…

Good morning everyone.

My ex was not very good about shaving until he saw how much his stubble had scraped my face when he kissed me. After that, he was a lot better.
PaisleyGirl said…
Oh dear. PaisleyGuy has a very impressive beard. He is not going to be pleased about shaving it off. In fact, I think he will refuse to do it.
SwampWoman said…
I told SwampMan to think of his beard as a big virus catcher. (He knows that I twist my hair all up under my hat when I go into the public.)
Anonymous said…
SwampWoman Seriously, twisting hair up helps? This could be the best excuse ever!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hair, whether on scalp or face, filters out all the atmospheric muck.

Any sort of hat helps. In the past, we'd have used head-squares but they've gained a new meaning in the UK and only HM wears them now. There'd be a row and accusations of `cultural appropriation' if anyone tried to reclaim them here.
KnitWit said…
Hi nutties.

I am planning to fly north from FL to PA on Friday. Long story...I got very ill from a rented house with hidden mold. So I'll that I had to take steroids via nebulizer and have supplemental oxygen. I was recovering slowly in PA when a friend invited me to stay with her in FL ( sharing expenses while staying in a spare room). I am paying more than half her rent to stay in a front room. She us becoming too dependent on me. I am feeling much better ( but struggling with the heat).

I am eager to get my own place ( not in snooty expensive Boca Raton). I planned to fly north before hurricane season to rescue my belongings and help my aging aunt ( my cousin who looked in on her is very ill in Santa Fe). That was the plan pre virus shut downs.

Still planning on flying north if possible, but nervous about the flight. Need to share this with someone without a vested interest.

SwampWoman said…
@Elle, if you think about it, virus particles wafting around will fall on your hair which could be swishing about your face, shedding virus particles that dropped upon it which could be inhaled. I tie or pin it my hair up and cover with a hat when out (I have a floppy cloth hat with a brim), then wash it (hat and hair) when I get home. Besides, freakin' 95 and above is too dang hot for hair flopping around the face.

If I were in a cooler clime, I would surely rock a balaclava.

SwampMan went to his primary care physician for his blood work results today and got his hand x-rayed as well (he'd been having some pain). They told him that it needed surgery, but not now. They are only letting in life-threatening problems at the present.

What was rather shocking is that he saw *no* masks on anybody in the doctor's office, and they asked him if he was protecting himself or them. He looked at them. "BOTH!" Apparently they haven't heard of asymptomatic spreaders.

SwampWoman said…
@WildBoarBattle-Maid: Any sort of hat helps. In the past, we'd have used head-squares but they've gained a new meaning in the UK and only HM wears them now. There'd be a row and accusations of `cultural appropriation' if anyone tried to reclaim them here.

I ordered a bunch of *very* colorful bandanas to tuck my hair under in addition to my hat! I also like the welding doo-rags: (They are to keep hair secure under the welding helmets, absorb sweat, resist catching on fire:)
SwampWoman said…
KnitWit, be careful out there! Lots of sick people in Florida now!
Ian's Girl said…
The irony of people ranting about "cultural appropriation" with regards to a head scarf whilst speaking English, clinging to a cell phone and undoubtedly living in very western-civilization style homes is never lost on me, and I have been known to ask them to please quit culturally appropriating my language.

We finally got a death in my state last week, and are still in the low single digits. Two of them were in their 90s.

I remain optimistic that virus will not kill us all, but am keeping my mother under house arrest, as she is an octogenarian. No underlying conditions that would increase her susceptibility, but better safe than sorry.
SwampWoman said…
Florida Total Cases
Positive Residents
Positive Non-Residents:

Average age of those testing positive in most counties is in the 40s and 50s FWIW.

Hospitalization stats: 1% of the 15 - 24 year olds testing positive are hospitalized. (There are also hospitalizations in the 0 to 4-year-old group, and the 5 to 14-year-old group, but their rate is less than 1% and statistically negligible. 4% of the 25-34 year olds are hospitalized.

9% of the 35-44 year olds are hospitalized and this is where another statistic, the death rates, is added: 3% death rate. 15% of the 45 to 54 year olds, also 3% death rates. (This is also the demographic with the largest number of positive tests.) 20% of the 55 to 64 years olds, 6% death rate. 23% of the 65 to 74 year olds, 27% death rates. 21% of the 75 to 84-year olds, 40% death rate. 8% of the 85+ year olds, 21% death rates.
KnitWit said…
Feel free to ignore this long explaination of my situation.

I have been in isolation 3 weeks. Taking one train and two flights is a risk. At the same time, leaving will improve my mental health! I have wanted to leave my friends house for a long time.

My breathing has improved in FL until they ripped off the roof here December 30. There was mold. Part of the air handler is between the ceiling and the roof without easy access. No remediation. MGMT displays a moldy board in clubhouse lobby PROOVING the need to increase fees to replace roofs.
KnitWit said…
Part 2 of explaination you can ignore.

There is conflict with condo owners, managers, votes, accusations and all sorts of nastiness. My friend rents.

The roofer added gutters. Uncovered gutters apparently installed without levels. Water and leaves collect in the bowed area beyond the patio. The new management is aware of the issue, but they closed the office, clubhouse, pool and tennis courts two weeks ago. The roofers stopped work either due to the virus or because they haven't been paid or both. The gutters still have water and leaves from rain over a week ago. Yippee, moldy stagnant water.

Before the roof work, I was breathing without oxygen or steroids! My asthma hit really bad, back on steroids. Then I got a really sore throat ( probably allergic reaction to mold in the air, but now I read it is also an early symptom of coronovirus infection).

I got bronchitis which required two courses of antibiotics and more steroids. The steroids give me terrible anxiety. I only take them if there is no choice. I take forms that cause less anxiety, but...

My friend says my asthma is "in my mind". My physicians disagree. SHE is incapacitated by arthritic pain, psoriasis, sinus issues, etc. She refuses to go to a doctor. I assume she doesn't want to admit several injuries from falling down drunk.

When we were friends in PA she wasn't this way. Everything changed since her husband died and she came to FL.

It is stressful here because my friend has narcissic tendencies. So did my mother. My mother was worse. We haven't spoken in nearly 20 years. I realized I am repeating unhealthy patterns. I plan to go back into therapy in PA. It is worst when my friend drinks. She is a really nasty drunk. She says every nasty thing she can think of, even tells me to move out immediately in the middle of the night. Her latest insult is I will be in debt living with my mother. She likes to throw that in my face.

My "room" doesn't have a door. As I wrote, I have been keeping the peace until I am able to leave.

I am not a drinker, like a glass of wine once in a while, but can take it or leave it. The landlord raised her rent $100 a month due to the increased management fees for the roof work. My friend is a shopper, me a saver who depleted her savings during her illness. Her solution is for me to buy more and pay more while she keeps shopping - she hasn't saved anything while I have been paying over half the rent.
I am grateful for a place to recover. We will get along better if we didn't live together.

I am younger, stronger and in better health than my friend. During my stay, she has expected me to do more than my share of work around here using cleaners that bother my breathing. I complained and she sprayed me in my face. Of course, nothing is up to her standards. Nothing is enough for her.

I have been keeping the peace while looking for a place of my own. First, I had to pay accumulated medical bills. I had a hernia from coughing that required surgery shortly after arriving too.

I found an affordable place in PA near where I previously lived and where my furniture and belongings are in storage. My options are limited while paying both rent and storage.

Leaving will do wonders for my mental health! I am very limited and unhappy here.

Overall, I think PA is a better place to self isolate, especially during hurricane season. If a category 4 hurricane hit this condo, the front plexiglass windows would blow in.
Anonymous said…
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Ian's Girl said…
Oh gosh, I did not mean that no one should speak English other than the English! Please accept my apologies! I love hearing other languages spoke, and was conversant in Spanish and Korean in my younger days. (Taught pre-school at an ESL site for many years)

I just meant that I get so tired of everything Western/American/Caucasian being called evil, and the stupidity around cultural appropriation. Huge uproar on a playground I lived near when I lived in Los Angeles where an 11 year old blonde kid had her hair French braided, and got harassed by some other kids because apparently braiding is African and Caucasians have no right to plait their hair. The mothers got involved and the police were called. On of 100s of examples I could give.

I need to take a break from Nutty's lovely blogs, I seem to be offending constantly.

Stay healthy, and don't panic yourselves!

KnitWit said…
I thought one advantage of living in a "melting pot" like the US is exposure to many cultures. Until recently, that was fine.

I go through a lot of bother you be a bit more blonde, champagne blond. I was able to get my color online last month. I'll use my last pack this week.

I let my hair grow out when I was ill and my hair was still really long. My friend and neighbors talked me into a shoulder length cut and going back to blonde.

I pull it back or braid it while out. If planes are still running, I'll braid it back and take a shower once I arrive.
It sounds like you really have to get out of there fast. On top of your physical problems and the mold, you have a very serious problem with your friend. Would it be possible for you to rent a car and drive to PA? It might be safer than taking a plane or bus right now. I hope all works out for you.

Oregon got 74 new cases last night, bringing the total to 553, with 13 deaths. It was only a matter of time as we are between WA and CA. The Portland spring breakers coming here didn't help, either.

I sat out on my deck last night, and the town has turned off the flood lights that light up the beach and waves. It's like looking out into total darkness, with just the sound of the waves crashing. We had a small storm, so the wind was howling, and the stars were covered by clouds,so no light from them, either. Kinda spooky, as nobody is around.
SwampWoman said…
Looks like the Mayor of Jacksonville was not amused by the NY person flying into Jacksonville while positive for COVID-19, either:

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Mayor Lenny Curry announced Monday he had signed an executive order prohibiting all hotels, motels and other commercial lodging establishments from accepting or extending reservations for any person other than essential lodgers.

The order goes into effect at 5 p.m. Monday.

During a news conference Monday afternoon, Curry said those deemed essential are health care professionals, first responders, National Guard members, law enforcement, state or federal government employees, airline crew members, patients, patients’ families, journalists, others responding to COVID-19, displaced residents or visitors, persons unable to return to their home due to COVID-19′s impact on travel, persons who must vacate their home due to extenuating circumstances such as fire, flood or persons utilizing hotels as transitional living arrangements, persons sheltering hotels due to domestic violence, hotel employees, service providers, contractors and individuals who for any reason are temporarily unable to reside in their home.

Curry said during the news conference that he was not going to let hotels to fill up with people who may be bringing the coronavirus from other locations.

The mayor also maintained imposing shutdown order would not work because there aren’t the resources to make sure 1 million people stay home. But he said his staff was looking at the shutdown orders imposed in four south Florida counties, to see their relevance, in case one is eventually needed here.

Curry said Code Enforcement inspectors are engaging with businesses that do not comply with his order on working from home and social distancing.

(For those of you that do not know, sending code enforcement is the mayoral equivalent of a mafia head sending in Guido and Luigi to have a lil' talk with you about your past due accounts.)
SwampWoman said…
@Ian's Girl

I just meant that I get so tired of everything Western/American/Caucasian being called evil, and the stupidity around cultural appropriation. Huge uproar on a playground I lived near when I lived in Los Angeles where an 11 year old blonde kid had her hair French braided, and got harassed by some other kids because apparently braiding is African and Caucasians have no right to plait their hair. The mothers got involved and the police were called. On of 100s of examples I could give.

Heh, I'm right there with you. Apparently this BS (cultural appropriation) is a bigger thing on the west coast than here. We just roll our eyes and bless their hearts for being so special.
Portcitygirl said…

How great is it to be on the waterfront! We drove down to the ocean last night and it was so beautiful and serene. No tourists or much traffic. It was heavenly. SO went kayaking again this am. My thoughts are ever with the poor souls in NY who cannot venture out and don't have much space for themselves and their families.

Our family member has a house on the ocean in SC and invited us down but we are trying to be good and self isolate. He wasn't happy about it. But he has not been following quarintine and has had direct contact with someone who treated five covid positive patients. Shouldn't doctors be practicing some form of isolation if they have treated COVID + patients?
Portcitygirl said…
Sorry for sp mistakes on mobile with 8 font😳
SwampWoman said…
KnitWit, I second JocelynsBellinis about getting out of there ASAP. I was wondering why you would flee mold and end up in South Florida. Florida is the mold capital (along with the termite capital, the people getting hit by lightning capital, eaten by alligators capital, and bitten by sharks capital, as well as the capital of people expiring after saying "Y'all ain't seen nothin' yet. Here, hold my beer and watch this!").

Your "friend's" behavior is inexcusable and you shouldn't have to endure it. When you get back to PA, my advice would be to make new friends. She sounds like a person looking to get somebody to pay the rent, not help.
PaisleyGirl said…
Well, here's another update from The Netherlands: we now have 11.750 confirmed cases, 3.990 people in hospital and 864 dead.

We have now run out of intensive care beds. Several makeshift hospitals are being built in concert venues and large tents and some patients have been moved to Germany by helicopter.

The government announced the self quarantine and lockdown measures will be extended until the end of April-beginning of May.
Portcitygirl said…

Sending prayers your way!
PaisleyGirl said…
Thank you, Portcitygirl!
I am more worried about my elderly parents than for myself, but it is a scary situation we're all in here.
Portcitygirl said…

I'm so sorry you are going through this now at this time. I know all about narcs and mean drunks.

I hope you are able to get out soon and find a safe place! Please keep us posted.
Portcitygirl said…

We are all worried here as well. Sending positive thoughts your way from NC!
CatEyes said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaggy said…
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@Paisley Girl,
Please keep safe and healthy! We're all sending good juju your way.

@Portcitycgirl, Yes, I love it here. So glad you were able to get some ocean time in, too. And yes, doctors should take even more precautions than us, but most don't have the time or equipment right now. Also, just because they have an MD, doesn't mean they are smart. I've seen some really stupid doctors in my day.

In other news, the Tampa pastor of the mega-church who held two services on Sunday has been arrested for pushing unlawful assembly and violating quarantine orders in a public emergency.
SwampWoman said…
JocelynsBellinis said In other news, the Tampa pastor of the mega-church who held two services on Sunday has been arrested for pushing unlawful assembly and violating quarantine orders in a public emergency.

He just HAD to keep pokin' that bear with the pointy stick.
Sandie said…
This is lovely ... Italy one of the worst-hit countries, finds it soul and humanity and through music finds hope for a future without the virus:
Mimi said…
Oh Knit Wit, WHAT A HORRENDOUS nightmare you are living. Please let us know as soon as you get out of there. And PLEASE do it as soon as possible if not sooner! That woman is doing to kill you with all that abuse. Yes, it is ABUSE!!!!!!
Mimi said…
A C-19 anecdote......Mr. Mimi is a long haul truck driver. He was picking up a load...a 40 ft. trailer filled to bursting with bags of rice. He asked the owners if he could purchase a couple bags (they are small) and was told NO!

He is out there risking his life delivering their product and they couldn’t SELL him a couple packages???????

Do you recall what happened to the truck driver in NYC who was attempting to deliver a trailer of toilet paper? People attacked the truck before he even had a chance to back the trailer into the dock!
Sandie said…

This is interesting and makes sense to me.
SwampWoman said…
PaisleyGirl, please be careful!

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had everybody screaming "WHAAAAAAT?" when he extended the south Florida stay at home until May 15. (He meant April 15.) With the coronavirus crisis and a new baby born Thursday, I suppose he might be a little tired (grin).

But I wonder if it was a Freudian slip and he really thinks (or knows) that it will have to be extended until mid May.
Mimi said…
On the lighter side....I had ordered a 50 lb sack of rice from Amazon about 2 weeks ago. Instead of a 50 lb. sack of rice they delivered a 50 lb sack of dog food!😂
SwampWoman said…
Oh, my! The story of a choir infected in Mt. Vernon, Washington:
SwampWoman said…
Mimi, I hope you have a large dog!
Mimi said…
Swampwoman, no, it is just me!😂
punkinseed said…
Hey Nutties! I finally found my way over here. Dolce Far Niente! (Joy of doing nothing).
Knitwit, get the hell out of there! Pack your bugout bag and rent a car. Get out of there faster than Tina Turner when she RAN from Ike! Goooooooooooooooa!
punkinseed said…
Swampy, yaaa. I saw that and wondered how many reporters are going to screw up pronouncing Skagit! (Skaa Jit).
I was shocked that so many seniors made such a bad decision. Yikes!
SwampWoman said…
Punkinseed, normalcy bias. It's real.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
CatEyes said…
@Ian's Girl

I get what you are saying. You don't offend me. Please be back.
CatEyes said…
@Knit Wit

There's not much I can add to all the good comments/suggestions. Maybe if you were going to make a long trip and stay in your car you could park overnight in a police pkg. lot (explain your situation). I wish you well and hope we here you are safe again.

PS. I think spraying bug spray in your face is assault (and possibly battery). If you are still there in that person's house, sleep with a hammer under your pillow and your phone always handy (with 911 on speed dial).
punkinseed said…
MiMi, maybe find someone who has rice to trade out for the dog food.
Mimi said…
I will probably end up giving to my neighbor...he has a tiny dog.....should last him a while.
Mimi said…
Or better yet....swap it out for a couple of rolls of decent toilet paper. This “emergency toilet paper” I am having to use now is brutal!😫
SwampWoman said…
ROFL, Mimi! Did you look into Wysi wipes at Amazon? (Compressed quarter-sized woven towel, just add water.)
Mimi said…
Thanks SwampWoman, I will definitely take a look see. I know they had closed down their pantry, so I’ll see what’s going on. I can’t much more of’s like wiping with sand paper!!!!!😫😫😫😫😫
SwampWoman said…
Punkinseed said I was shocked that so many seniors made such a bad decision. Yikes!

Former daughter in law called today, said that driving through her small beachside town on the way to get groceries (4 kids ranging from 6 to 18), the only people acting irresponsibly were the people we are trying to keep alive, those aged 70+, sitting around in groups outside at tables drinking coffee and visiting. Her kids were aggravated because they can't even go to the store. "I think this virus is just a conspiracy so that old people can take over the town!"

She was also very upset that the dentist and orthodontist offices have been closed, and her son was right in the middle of some extensive dental work for braces. "I can't believe that I may have wasted all that money and will have to start over again!"

Then I told her the good news that school closure was extended to May 1.

SwampWoman said…
Mimi, I haven't used them so I can't say yay or nay about them. I saw them and made a mental note about maybe getting some for camping or hurricane season (grin).
Mimi said…
SwampWoman, at this point I am desperate!!!!! If I am able to order them I will test them and give a review/rating. But honestly, ANYTHING is better than this....this....torture paper.😫😫😫😫😫
SwampWoman said…
Mimi, you must have gotten the paper that they left the bark on (grin).
Mimi said…
I sure feels like it!!!!!! ,,,,, 😩
Animal Lover said…
Has anyone heard from Tatty? She went to Madri Gras which turned out to be a super spreader event.

Locally in the Seattle area, Trader Joe's was well stocked. Paper towels are still a little hard to come by and haven;t found hand sanitizer for weeks.
abbyh said…

She's been on my mind about Mardi Gras as well.

None of us needs a `friend' like that.

Get the Hell out of there at the every first opportunity and never go back.

Once at a safe distance, go No Contact, not a cheep. There's plenty of advice online.

It's very tough and you'll feel a complete heel but it has to be done. You have to save your sanity, your life even. Stick to your guns, even if you think you're being cruel.

Keep your new address secret. Change your phone number. Block her emails. Ignore anything she sends you. Refuse to accept gifts - send them back unopened.

If it gets bad, use a lawyer - in the UK they can write a `cease and desist' letter laying down the law. If they ignore a C&D letter, they can be taken to court. Are there similar laws for you?

Keep the evidence if how she tries to contact you - a log of anything that happens, letters, emails that get through? Keep hard copy - you don't have to read them, just produce them if it comes to court.

You can be kind in dumping her. I wrote to my narc saying `I think we'd both be much happier if...'

Avoid saying `always' or `never'.

Be prepared for her to blame you, say she was shocked etc. But she won't admit anything - it'll be your fault.

Stick to it, don't give way, don't feel sorry for her. You can't help her, she can't even help herself.

Please do it.

Many Nutties have been in the same position (that's how we got together in the first place, watching MM). I guess we'd all say you'll feel much better once you're free of her. You can then find some new, genuine, friends.
Correction - `the very first opportunity'.

TP - do any UK Nutties remember Bronco? It might not have had the pong of Izal but all it was fit for was tracing paper. Ow!
I hope you can get onto this site:

There are feral goats on Great Orme Head, just outside Llandudno (pron. hlan-did-no) in N Wales. They usually stay up there but now are roaming the streets.

I hope the town's gardeners see the bright side.
Portcitygirl said…
NC has 1307 cases with 140 in the hospital. Only 20k
tested so far.
Sandie said…

So, how is the social distancing working for you ...?

Africans do not have a sense of personal space (and it is not a black thing ... exactly the same for whiteys). Social distancing is very difficult for Africans to do, but the short video clip shows the magistrate's court officials in Cape Town trying to get people to comply with government regulations.
Sandie said…
It is 4 weeks since the first recorded coronavirus infection in South Africa. The latest update records 3 deaths, all within the last week. Health care facilities are also not being overwhelmed with infected people in ICU.

According to stats and considering the number of people that have tested positive, over 50 people should be in ICU and at least 20 people should have died. Does anyone here know when the hospitals become overcrowded with people requiring medical care and the countless deaths per day started in other countries?

Maybe it is because for the first couple of weeks more than 90% of those infected were people who brought it into the country (i.e. relatively wealthy and healthy people who are likely to have strong immune systems). We are in the second wave now: people who were infected locally as it spread.

An interesting 'trend' is the high number of doctors and specialists who have contracted the virus, not from patients but from family and friends who have travelled overseas and passed on the virus before they knew they were infected.
abbyh said…

USA people:

In case you have not seen this yet
PaisleyGirl said…
@Sandie, to answer your question: my country had its first Corona virus case a month and three days ago. We are now at the point where the hospital system is becoming completely overwhelmed.
150 more dead since yesterday and a total number of registered cases of 12.595. Mind you,they are only testing people that are so ill that they are brought into hospital.
My sister is home ill with suspected Corona virus and she was told by her doctor to just stay at home. No one is going to test her.

PaisleyGirl said…
I'm sorry, typo on my phone. 175 dead since yesterday, not 150.
SwampWoman said…
@abbyh: Yes, it looks like Florida will just...just...squeak by with beds and ICUs vs patients at the projected peak but Florida began preparing relatively early with hospitals put in place in advance of need and all non-emergency surgeries that would require hospitalization cancelled. They also are sending emergency task force physicians and infection control people to nursing homes that have positive tests to make sure that their infection control measures were adequate. Florida has also cancelled requirements for being off of work for a measure of time before retired police and medical people could return to work if they wished because they realize that a lot of medical people and police officers are going to be quarantined/sick.

Now people are complaining that we're shutting down the entire country for THAT nothingburger because it is no worse than the flu? (The projected sickness and fatality rate with the various infection control measures IN PLACE.) They are too foolish to understand that this is the best case scenario; it could be much worse.

I'm also worried that relaxing the social distancing measures will cause the infections to fire off again. At least this time we have tests and, hopefully, will have protective measures for those persons in contact with the public.
Sandie said…
@PaisleyGirl: Thanks for that info. South Africa seems way behind in terms of deaths and hospitalised. My impression is that the virus is not having the effect it should be having. We have so many poor people who live in overcrowded conditions without clean running water and who are also malnourished. The virus first affected the rich, but the rich all have domestic workers at home and at work and they would have passed it on before they knew they were infected (although the government was tracking contacts for the infected).

Infections are increasing exponentially but not many deaths or infected people in ICU or even hospitalised (at first everyone who was infected was taken to a medical facility and put in quarantine but I think people are self isolating at home now).

The information site here is quite good (only health related and does not have the info about the lockdown):

Some errors in grammar and spelling but not too bad.

Note that at least 40% of the population in South Africa are not able to comply with the conditions for self-isolating or quarantine in the home. I assume that the government has procured buildings that can be turned into quarantine facilities?
Sandie said…
Oh, I see there is information on the lockdown at the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 information website ... (see above).
Sandie said…
I look forward to the future posts such as:

How did CORONA-19 change your life?
How will the world and humanity be different after COVID-19?
and so on ...

We still have a long way to go. I suspect that what most psychics are predicting (it will still be around but will not be a pandemic) is true and it will all be over in June. However, looking at that date from 1 April just looks like a long way away. How many more people will die, get very ill, lose their jobs, never recover from the economic knocks? How many of our freedoms that we have given away to stay safe will we have to fight to get back?
CatEyes said…
@Animal Lover said...

>>>Has anyone heard from Tatty? She went to Madri Gras which turned out to be a super spreader event.<<<

I remember early, very early on in this COVID-19, Tatty mentioned she thought she had 'the coronavirus' and never said much about it (I think this was before she went to New Orleans). I remember at the time hmmmm, I don't know anything about 'corona virus' and the news was not reporting it yet.

I think Tatty takes breaks from the site from time to time. She seems very astute about medical issues (I believe she is married to a physician), so she is probably busy and worried and Meg/Harry are the last things she needs to be concerned with.
CatEyes said…

Your suggestions for future posts are very good. I will comment on one financial item (among many) I feel sorry for...people who will lose their homes possibly because they can't make their payments. Here in America there have been provisions for many that mortgages have been suspended for the time being (temporarily a help) but then when it goes back to normal people will have an accumulated amount to repay. I just paid off my house but I am worried about losing my truck; I lost 60% of my income and I don't qualify for unemployment. But the auto company, family-owned said they will work with me. Thank the Lord!

Financial worries I think for many are right up there with worrying about the corona virus. The stress isn't good for your immune system as I am sure we can all agree. I have been upping my prayers for the world. And I believe one of the *positives of this pandemic is that many will find a reawakening/reinvigorating of their faith, whatever it is.
Anonymous said…
Great Dr. imoloa herbal medicine is the perfect cure for the HIV virus, I was diagnosed of HIV for 8 years, and every day I always looking for research to find the perfect way to get rid of this terrible disease because I always know that what we need because our health is on earth . So, on my internet search I saw several testimonies about how Dr. imoloa can cure HIV with powerful herbal medicines. I decided to contact this man, I contacted him for herbal medicines that I received via DHL courier service. And he guided me how. I asked him for a solution to take herbal medicine for two weeks. And then he instructed me to go check what I was doing. Look at me (HIV NEGATIVE). Thank God for Dr. Imoloa for using a powerful herbal remedy to cure me. he also has a cure for diseases such as Parkison's disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy, anxiety disorders, autoimmune diseases, back pain, sprains, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, malignant, bruxism, bulimia, cervical disc disease, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, sprains, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, malignant, bruxism, bulimia, cervical disc disease, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, sprains, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, malignant, bruxism, bulimia, cervical disc disease, cardiovascular disease , chronic respiratory diseases, mental and behavioral disorders, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma, autoimmune mediated arthritis. Chronic kidney disease, arthritis, back pain, impotence, feta alcohol spectrum, Dysthymic Disorders, Eczema, skin cancer, tuberculosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, bone cancer, lung cancer, mouth sores, oral cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis ABC, syphilis, diarrhea, Huntington's disease, back acne, chronic kidney failure, Addison's disease, Chronic Disease, Crohn's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Fibromyalgia, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Fungal Nail Disease, Paralysis, Celia Disease , Lymphoma, Major Depression, Malignant Melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's Disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle Dystrophy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease email- / or {whatssapp .....+2347081986098}
CatEyes said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mimi said…
another person that has not been heard from in a while is that person/s calling themself Gollum or Precious Gollum or something of the sort.

I sincerely hope Tatty is alright!
SwampWoman said…
PaisleyGirl said...
@Sandie, to answer your question: my country had its first Corona virus case a month and three days ago. We are now at the point where the hospital system is becoming completely overwhelmed.
150 more dead since yesterday and a total number of registered cases of 12.595. Mind you,they are only testing people that are so ill that they are brought into hospital.
My sister is home ill with suspected Corona virus and she was told by her doctor to just stay at home. No one is going to test her.

We understand your pain and frustration, PaisleyGirl. My former DIL's husband and son had the same problem @ 2 weeks ago. They were quite ill with fever and coughing. If they weren't deathly ill, they were told no need for testing. Now, I think, they would be able to be tested but at that time the tests just weren't available unless deathly ill.

I have faith in the creativity and intelligence of your population. I believe that you are from the Netherlands? I think that the Netherlands will come up with solutions that work and work quickly. I believe the 15-minute test will be a game changer if it works as specified.

A company near me that specializes in slutty swimsuits now has all hands on deck making surgical masks. Thank goodness for locally-based companies that haven't outsourced!

I wonder if next season's swimsuits will be strategically-placed surgical masks with straps...
KnitWit said…
Agreed. When my asthma was bad, I couldn't breathe in the cold. It may be different now.

I miss spring blooms, Autumn leaves in the mountains, NYC.

I am concerned about catching the virus during my flight, getting stuck in Philadelphia where I change planes, things rational and irrational.

Thanks for the voices of confidence.
SwampWoman said…

Interesting article. The person who gave the fish tank cleaner to her husband and took a lesser dose herself and blamed it on President Trump was a financial donor to Democrat causes. I'm getting a "poisoned her husband to blame the President" vibe.
CatEyes said…
@Mimi said...

>>>another person that has not been heard from in a while is that person/s calling themself Gollum or Precious Gollum or something of the sort<<<

Oh Mimi, how could you forget your 'boyfriend's' name? lol (for some who don't know this Gollum, the nice Gollum admired Mimi and had a crush n her. I am still jealous! lol BTW I was wondering where he was too. However now that I think about it, they usually appeared midevening when Tatty was being irritating.

I read that you wrote your husband is a long haul trucker...another unsung hero to be able to work long hours trying to keep our grocery stores stocked. I felt so bad when I read that you didn't get your big bag of rice and the other thing when an owner of a shipment would not sell your husband a couple of small bags of rice. My home care worker shops those big food warehouse stores and her family (essentially SE Asian) eat rice and they have not been able to buy any anywhere.

However I noticed Walmart here is beginning to stock there shelves again but my brother says he could not get any 'Cup of Noodles' or any ramen at all today.

I hope and pray you and everyone gets their needs met!!

CatEyes said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
CatEyes said…

Troll Alert at 6:44 pm by Linda Harry. Offensive advertisement promising this Doctor can pratically cure anything.

I wrote an email to the company email listed and complained!
CatEyes said…
FYI for those wanting to make face masks. I found out Hobby Lobby has a waiver to stay open even though they would not be considered an 'essential business'. I called and inquired and was told they got the waiver because they sell supplies so people can make face masks.

As I mentioned the other day (and Swamp Woman I believe gave some great suggestions about using 'spun interfacing and other tips) there are a multitude of fabric masks that can be made by hand sewing or more easily by hot gluing. I am going to do it for my elderly brother and myself as most people in grocery stores Do Not wear masks (I was the only one I saw in Walmart wearing a mask). I think we have a ways to go with this virus. Heaven help us!
abbyh said…

Information about masks
Mimi said…
Oh Cat Eyes, You made me laugh about my forgetting my “boyfriends” name!!!! 😂

It could be a co-inky-dinky but it seemed to me that Gollum and Bratty........I mean. ......tatty, used to appear in tandem...especially when Tatty was being a real brat! She was like a little kid saying.....(words to the effect). “ha ha ha, I’m going to. Mardi Gras and have fun and you’re ha ha ha”.

Well I hope she made it to Mardi Gras and had fun but we won’t know until or unless she comes back on. And seriously, although she could was a real. brat sometimes I sincerely hope she is alright! She had just gotten over another virus if I remember correctly.

As for Mr. Mimi....he has not been home in over ONE MONTH. His schedule is usually 3 weeks on the road and 4 days home. Well that’s all changed and now he has no schedule and will continue to work until they decide to give him some time off!

Long haul truck driving is horrendous...I should know...I used to go on road trips with him. That company he was delivering for did mot sell him any nice which I think is really shitty but he has been buying supplies here and there and thought a little extra rice would make me happy.

So here I sit, using emergency toilet paper that gives me splinters and just pray and wait for his safe return.

People are getting the NYC truck incident!!!!!

thank you for all your kind words.

I am hoping you and your brother are working things out and all is settling in.

p.s. I HATE Top Ramen and Cup of Noodles but if it comes down to it and I have nothing else to eat then I will learn to LOVE it!
TeddyTheMaltese said…
Hey all!!! LONG time reader, rarely post I guess I’m internet shy... (love you nutty and thank you for creating this additional blog! and love all you commenters! @Swampwoman, youre def my fav and your stories of swampman always crack me up!)
I’m a “soft” 30yrs of age lol and I live in Rhode Island. To get from the 2 furthest points in my tiny little state will take you about 40-45mins. If you have to travel for more than 20mins to get somewhere, you might as well be walking to the moon. Nobody in this state leaves the state unless it’s to snowbird at your “Flar-rid-duh” house/condo. Anywho, we have a lot of wealthy people who live in the nyc area who own summer homes in our beachfront communities. On Friday, our Governor set up roadblocks on the Rhode Island Connecticut border on rt 95 with the state police and national guard forcing all out of state vehicles ESPECIALLY New York license plates to pull over at a rest stop they had set up like a biohazard zone. If you were crossing into Rhode Island with out-of-state plates you were forced to pull over at this rest stop and the National Guard and state police would take your temperature while you sat in your car and then document where you were going and if you were staying in Rhode Island you were told that you must get to your RI destination and then quarantine there for 14days. The national guard then started going door to door in our seaside communities (again, mostly owned by extremely wealthy NYers) And if they were from out of state they had to give all their information and were told they are not allowed to leave their home for 14 days. Well it didn’t take more than 24 hours until New York threatened to sue the state of Rhode Island and They packed up they are roadblocks faster than they put them up. I live right on the Rhode Island Connecticut border and there is an influx of state troopers in national guard hanging out on the highway specifically looking for out of state plates and pulling them over asking where they are going and documenting everything. Knock on wood but we actually are Faring pretty well here in RI, probably bc Rhode Islanders do NOT leave the state lol we tend to stay within a 20min radius of our homes... embarrassing but true :)
I am praying for you all, our country, and the world right now. May we all please take the proper measures to ensure our and everyone’s safety and health. Americans are doing what we do best, coming together and working together to get through a time of crisis. God bless you all as well as our elected government officials, may we all stay happy healthy and strong!!!!!! O and a special FU to these losers having parties rn and not abiding by social distancing rules, you’re all idiots! End rant. :)
TeddyTheMaltese said…
Btw Sorry for the grammatical errors! I was using talk to text, but it was more like awkward whisper to text in my bathroom at 2am. Ugh, Siri will NEVER understand me!!!! :/ :)

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