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Corona virus discussion board - March 13, 2020

Several posters on the Nutty Flavor discussion board about the Sussex saga have asked for a place to discuss the Corona Virus epidemic.

Here's an open post to get started.


Nutty Flavor said…
Since someone has to be the first poster, I'll do the honors. I was a little disturbed by the announcement tonight that Denmark, a country near to where I live, was closing its borders to everyone but citizens and sending the Danish military to the borders to keep people out.

That's a little Edgar Allen Poe to me, "Masque of the Red Death" and all.

Denmark has a relatively young woman in charge - she is 42 years old and the single mother of two school-aged children.
SwampWoman said…
Thank goodness! FINALLY a place where we can discuss zinc ionophores, the difference in death rates between Italy and South Korea, and whether hydroxychloroquine is efficacious. Or not (grin).
abbyh said…
I have heard that bar soap is better at breaking up the membrane than liquid soap.

No official source that came with it.
Nutty Flavor said…
@SwampWoman, one of the comments I've heard is that the countries that have done the best job of defending themselves against the virus - Taiwan and Israel and South Korea - are countries that are used to living in a state of existential crisis.

Iran, by contrast, has been affected very badly, supposedly because it kept its religious shrines open.
SwampWoman said…
Being the single mother of two school-aged children can concentrate one's mind on the important things.

Seriously, I believe we are headed for quarantines in the harder-hit areas sooner rather than later, and Florida is considering activating the National Guard (presumably the medical units, not the construction units) to help do widespread testing to see where the infections are most widespread to presumably close them off and offer extra medical aid.
Nutty Flavor said…
The problem in the USA will come when they try to forcibly quarantine people. Folks aren't going to like that, and they're going to start going on about their civil rights a lot.

I saw that one of the people stranded on one of the cruise ships was being brought back to land and being put into quarantine on a military base, and she was online looking for a lawyer who would sue to allow her to return home right away.
Nutty Flavor said…
If you recall the Ebola outbreak, there was a US nurse who had been treating people in Africa, and when she returned to the US she refused to go into quarantine. She was riding around town on her bicycle and such.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Thanks, Nutty, I know a lot of people will be glad of this --

@abbyh -- Not sure about bar vs. liquid, but I have always believed (and have read) that ordinary soap is much more effective against both viruses and bacteria than the "anti-bacterial" brands.

I am also a firm, 100-percent believer in zinc supplements. Zinc is a natural immune system booster. My own immune system is compromised, has been for many years, but I have yet to even catch a cold since I started taking zinc supplements way back when, much less any kind of flu. I don't even bother getting shots.

Ever hear of Cold-Eeze? Teachers swear by it. Active ingredient -- zinc.

One caveat -- Zinc depletes copper from your system, which you also need. I take a copper supplement once a week, and have not had any problems.
SwampWoman said…
Nutty Flavor, I believe the existential crisis theory of leadership. Emergency plans that are developed need to be tested frequently to see how they work in practice (unfortunately).
Nutty Flavor said…
Zinc also helps fight acne, should anyone suffer from that.
Nutty Flavor said…
Sure, @Swampwoman, I agree with you. I once dated a Marine who said his commanders told him that a good fighting force needs to fight a war every 5 years or so - otherwise your commanders are not battle-tested.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Nutty Flavor said:
Zinc also helps fight acne, should anyone suffer from that.

Acne is a buildup of bacteria, so it makes sense.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Thank you for opening this thread, Nutty. Does anybody believe this is an artificially created virus? I have read opinions that the virus is "assembled" from around 20 different flu strands, that is why it has such a long dormant phase. Our bodies can't produce antibodies to the so many strands simultaneously, that is why they are struggling with the vaccine, and that is why people get re-infected. I think this sounds plausible. Also, the timing was a bit too convenient for the anti-Chinese demonstration to be a coincidence.
Nutty Flavor said…
@FairyCrocodile, the story I've heard is that the biowarfare lab in Wuhan, China, has long had a problem with employees taking "discarded" test animals to sell at the local market for some extra cash.

China, for all its positive aspects, is deeply corrupt, so this is believable to me.

Supposedly patient zero was diagnosed in mid-November, and by mid-December the local doctors realized they had a problem on their hands.
Shaggy said…
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Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Fairy Crocodile said:

Thank you for opening this thread, Nutty. Does anybody believe this is an artificially created virus? I have read opinions that the virus is "assembled" from around 20 different flu strands, that is why it has such a long dormant phase. Our bodies can't produce antibodies to the so many strands simultaneously, that is why they are struggling with the vaccine, and that is why people get re-infected. I think this sounds plausible. Also, the timing was a bit too convenient for the anti-Chinese demonstration to be a coincidence.

So many of the recorded modern viruses had their origins in China (including Spanish flu, 1917-1920) that killed tens of millions.

The problem as I see it is two-fold:

1) The Chinese have not historically (and even today) don't have the strictest of hygiene regarding their livestock. It has been proven that many deadly viruses, including the H1N1 strains, have migrated from animals (poultry and pigs) to humans.

2) Viruses' survival strategy depends on mutation. This was one of the problems with HIV. Smart little buggers. We are seeing not only a mutated strain, but also a strain that is likely mutating as it infects in real time. Hence why we are seeing so much variation in time exposed/time incubated/time of symptoms.

The good news, IMO -- with a bit of help to our immune systems (see my zinc post above), if we do contract it, we will have perhaps a miserable flu, but will come out the other end with resistance to the virus.

Side note -- Worst thing that could ever have been done is bombing our children with antibiotics in the 90s, when they had viruses. Second worst thing -- wrapping our children in cotton wool, instead of letting them "eat their pound of dirt" by playing outside and interacting with nature.

Miggy said…
Thanks for this thread Nutty.

Scientific Approach to Avoid Coronavirus COVID-19
Shaggy said…
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Nutty Flavor said…
Another aspect I haven't heard discussed much is that the countries that have been hardest hit - China, South Korea, Italy, Iran - all have a very high percentage of cigarette smokers in their population.

Apparently almost 50% of Chinese citizens are smokers.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Nutty Flavor -- Certainly, with the cause of death with many sufferers is a shutdown of the lungs, that smoking would not help. I'd like to see a correlation study done. At this point, though, with emergency reactions going on, this may take some time.

The thing is -- South Korea's death rates have been minimal by comparison to many other countries. Their mandate of "social distance" (keeping at least 6 feet away from anyone in public) seems to be helping. Ditto Singapore, Hong Kong and other countries. Many public buildings have actually taken yellow tape onto their floors to alert people to keep their "social distance."

Italy -- Their health infrastructure was/is woefully inadequate.

Iran -- Too invested in convincing the world they are "supremely right".

China -- They deserve some kudos for reacting aggressively, but as their tourists are the ones spreading it around the world, no quarter given from me.

SwampWoman said…
And I also believe (in the case of China) low blood levels of vitamin D because the sun is blocked out by pollution could have an effect. That could also partially explain why so many of Plague Princess's elderly passengers had a very low death and symptom rate as opposed to those in perpetually cloudy Seattle who were locked indoors in nursing homes (though, to be fair, those in the nursing homes were not healthy enough to cruise around Japan).
SwampWoman said…
Lt. Nyota Uhura, I also read a study that the reason the lungs fail is because the virus also attacks the brainstem so that it "forgets" to breathe.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
SwampWoman said:
And I also believe (in the case of China) low blood levels of vitamin D because the sun is blocked out by pollution could have an effect.

YES. Absolutely an excellent point. The rest of us don't get enough D either.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
SwampWoman said:

Lt. Nyota Uhura, I also read a study that the reason the lungs fail is because the virus also attacks the brainstem so that it "forgets" to breathe.

Why the brainstem forgets to breathe is because the involuntary muscles, like the heart or lungs, are weakened by a domino, cascade effect by other *deprived* organs and/or nutrients. If those are fed properly by nutrients, they will protect us from attacks by viruses. Not rocket science.
Nutty Flavor said…
Cross posting - Meg would like us to know that she is very emotional about Sophie Trudeau’s corona virus diagnosis.

Anything to get her name in the papers.
SwampWoman said…
Good grief. She is SUCH a (imagine unladylike word of your choice here).
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Actually, it IS a kind of rocket science -- if by rocket science you believe in common sense. I have a background in biology (major in university, wound up in journalism, didn't want to jump on the lab treadmill) --

The point is, no one needs to worry about this newest "threat". Humanity has had very much worse "threats" in the past.

Do we think we are "owed" a "better life" ?? Some of us will die, and many of us will live. I fail to see how our "needs" and "fears" are any different than the overwhelmingly bad things that happened in our past.

WASH YOUR HANDS every time you think of it.

SwampWoman said…
Lt. Nyota Uhura, re your comment about the nutrients, that would also be something lacking in people confined to nursing homes or some hospitals with their horrid institutional food.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
SwampWoman said:
Lt. Nyota Uhura, re your comment about the nutrients, that would also be something lacking in people confined to nursing homes or some hospitals with their horrid institutional food.

Swamp Woman, To me, this says, are we going to write off our elderly?

It's so easy, and so organic. GIVE our elderly the simple supplement they need, zinc, that gives them life as they have known it all their lives. Then they are not elderly anymore! They are us!
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
PrettyPaws said…
Lt Nyota Uhura,: many thanks for your information regarding zinc supplements. However, I need to know whether or not it will "fight" with other supplements I have been ordered to take.

FYI, I suffer badly from Crohn's disease and have been prescribed a drug to combat the worst of the symptoms and to lessen the number of "episodes" I suffer. This drug is cytotoxic (and is used in chemotherapy) and seems to be doing its job but the downside is that I have been warned that, because of this drug, I have become very vulnerably to colds and chest infections. Also, I can't stay in strong sunlight as this will adversely affect me.

As you can see, they've got me both coming AND going! My hospital consultants have ordered me to take supplements of Vitamin D and folic acid - if I also take a zinc supplement (with a weekly dose of copper) will this additional supplement cancel out the others? I would be most grateful if you could spare the time to give me a little information. Thanking you in advance.

Portcitygirl said…
Thank you, Nutty!

I didn't post this earlier out of respect for Nutty's rules, but on r/coronavirusUS on reddit someone reported that the whole PAC NW is going to be quarantined by the National Guard.
They reported someone high up in the fed govt. told their family. It may have been taken down by the mods by now due to hysteria and all. Also, someone recorded two Italian ER docs talking about the virus and the gist was that they didnt have enough tubes for intubation and they were told to save the under 60's first and how horrible that was! This is Reddit so take it with a grain of salt, but in my experience, they get breaking news as it is happening and many times it is correct.

Here in my county we have zero paper products, including toilet paper, no alcohol wipes etc., cleaning supplies, and many over the counter medicines have been wiped out completely.

Today at Harris Teeter, a major grocery, the panic was palpable.
We are lucky here that most have had to become preppers due to hurricanes, but people are still panicking. Our Gov. has not called for schools to be closed yet.

abbyh said…
Looking for a diversion from Netflix and the library is closed?

Portcitygirl said…
Also, Trump was exposed to the virus and spoke at a conference with over 50 people in attendance. Apparently, his doctor said it was ok? Not sending a good message, nor was his continued handshaking. PC had the right idea with the Japanese Namaste.
Interestingly enough, the Japanese have very few cases and the Italians have an excessively high number, the former never hugging or shaking hands, and the latter kissing and hugging everyone.
Portcitygirl said…
Nutty, I also heard Norway has shutdown. Is that true?
Nutty Flavor said…
Not that I have heard. Poland closed its borders, though.
Nutty Flavor said…
I should say, Norway is closed down - schools and such - but no troops at its borders like Denmark and Poland.
KCM1212 said…
I've just ordered some zinc and copper! Thanks @ Fairy

I've been struggling a bit since I care for my 92 year old mother with Alzheimer's along with a brother who is diabetic and in immunosuppressive drugs. I'm worried I will bring something home and kill one of them.

My sister sent me this today and it helped.

It's a little simplistic, but got me thinking outside myself.

And madam seems to be "a bit emotional" about a lot of things lately. I didn't think snakes ever got emotional.

Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simple living said…
@swampwoman Would hydroxychloroquine 500 mg BID seem too high of a dose and would it be presumptuous to prescribe it to myself in case of emergency. 😉
I also increased my Vit C and D suppliments. I've been following YouTube Medcram and Dr. John Cambell for my daily Covid 19 updates.
Portcitygirl said…
I'm in NC. I don't know about quarantines, but my source said no coming and no going. There will be barriers, according to the source.
CatEyes said…
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JHanoi said…
Yes, i’ve read that too and that men are the majority of smokers in china and thats contributing to the higher 64% or so mortality rate for men
CatEyes said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
CatEyes said…
>>>>Also, someone recorded two Italian ER docs talking about the virus and the gist was that they didnt have enough tubes for intubation and they were told to save the under 60's first and how horrible that was!<<<<

A number of states have a legal provision that allows a hospital to refuse life saving treatment if a patient has no hope of recovery. It is rarely done but it does happen. In addition some states have assisted suicide in place and I would not be surprised if we see this in action of the elderly are infected and not treated. It would not be much of a stretch to think such elderly are influenced to consider this option.

Our society is evil, just evil.
SwampWoman said…
Simple Living: The Chinese and the South Koreans used two different doses; plus I believe the Chinese used chloroquine phosphate and the South Koreans hydroxychloroquine. I don't remember who used what and the doses, but I believe the South Koreans used a lower dose. (It is on episode 35 of Medcram on YouTube.) I take quercetin (another zinc ionophore, but much weaker) for seasonal allergies. I'll probably just stick to that. Lots of people with tropical fish are stocking up on chloroquine phosphate (used to treat ick, I believe). I've been teasing them about their fish getting malaria....
CookieShark said…
Made it to this side! Hello Nutties!
Anonymous said…
Well, Catseye, two weeks ago he claimed it was a hoax, and yet now there is no admission that he, perhaps, was wrong. And then, even though the infection rate was climbing by the day, he insisted at holding an event at Mar-a-largo, and it turns out that at least TWO people at this event have tested positive. Senators Cruz, Graham, and Scott are self-isolating because they attended the event at Mar-a-largo, and because Trump insists on shaking hands (he even did so at the news conference today!), I'm sure that they are terrified that they have come down with the virus. Fox News even had on last night some doctor who was downplaying the infectious nature of this virus. I consider this unconscious murder. ONE, and I going to say this again, ONE rabbi at a community in New Rochelle has infected at least 70 people in his community. The New York's governor has quarantined portions of that community in a frantic bid to stop contagon. I work at a university (that is now only hosting online classes), and I find that at least five students in my department are from Wuhan. I think that this administration has been grossly negligent in this entire affair. The Chinese government alerted the U.S. government that this was an issue back in January. Under orders from the Trump administration warnings about this virus were squashed because it was seen as potentially detrimental to the U.S. stock market. Wow, how does that feel now Mr. Trump? Think that sitting on this information helped or hurt the U.S. stock market? I am looking at my retirement taking an enormous hit. Everyone is trying to pinch hit because Mr. Trump refuses to believe that this is a serious issue. Pelosi waylaid Mnuchin to develop a deal (that despite Trump's refusal this morning to sign it, is now on board), and McConnell sent everyone home for a three-day weekend. There's leadership for you! Both Sanders and Biden have spoken on concrete steps to take to deal with this crisis. Trump? Essentially, crickets. He can't even be the poster boy for testing (and, btw, he fired, FIRED the pandemic unit at the CDC when he took office). He denies, waffles, and refuses to answer if he's been tested even when he appears in person out of breath and ill.
SwampWoman said…
@PortCityGirl, I am so happy that you got your supplies in time. My brother in law sent a picture of Walmart with empty shelves from Georgia. I was all "Oh, please. I've been stocked up since January."

Also, someone recorded two Italian ER docs talking about the virus and the gist was that they didnt have enough tubes for intubation and they were told to save the under 60's first and how horrible that was! This is Reddit so take it with a grain of salt, but in my experience, they get breaking news as it is happening and many times it is correct.

I was on a thread with an Italian doc, he said that they had to triage and the older patients were not getting treated, not even oxygen, and sometimes younger patients with comorbidities. That is why I am adamant that if you are above 60 and do not need to leave your house, don't. (Sadly, I can't convince SwampMan of this and we just got back from Home Depot with a new tank for the deep well and the wiring for another heat pump.) *sigh* Well, at least it was right before closing and we mostly had the aisles to ourselves. Mostly.
Ian's Girl said…
Have they improved whatever component it is in zinc that causes so much nausea/vomiting? Even on a full stomach, it makes me extremely queasy and the very first time I took a zinc tablet, I got so sick I literally threw up all over myself in the car on the way to to work because it came on so fast I didn't even have time to get off the freeway. (L.A. morning traffic) I had taken it on an empty stomach, but less than 5 minutes after I took it, I had a croissant breakfast sandwich, so it's not like it stayed empty.

I finally had to quit taking the tablets, but this was in the mid 90s and I'm hoping there's been an improvement, or someone has some good advice for me?
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SwampWoman said…
Wizardwench, seriously? The stock market was going to tank due to supply chain disruptions worldwide. China has become the world's manufacturer (great job, globalists!) and still isn't back online. It isn't just the US stock market tanking.

We took our money out of the market@ 2 weeks ago but that was because of some foot dragging going on on their part, we wanted out four weeks ago. The President has nothing to do with the stock market tank; in fact, he has been doing his best to prop it up.

I seem to recall some Democrats screaming racism because of Trump blocking flights from China. You live in New York, your governor and your public health system is/are the one(s) responsible for your quarantines, etc., not the president.

Nobody sat on any information; I was aware of the virus in January and stocked up on supplies then. I tried to warn people a couple times that it was going to be very serious but nobody seemed concerned. The first *confirmed* death in China happened on the 9th of January (but tweets were coming out from China before then of a mysterious virus). Of course, if you listen to the MSM, they were busily not reporting it until about last week. If that is where you get your information, you may think things are being suppressed, but it isn't the President that is suppressing your access to news, it is Google (who helped silence the Chinese). I was reading (translated) tweets from China and looking at videos until, one by one, their voices were silenced, probably permanently.

That the government has moved this far this fast is pretty much miracle territory. I'm so delighted that President Trump called in private business to help; government agencies are hopeless in the best of times and are staffed with a lot of dead wood that should be pruned but that are protected by unions.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…

PrettyPaws said:
Lt Nyota Uhura,: many thanks for your information regarding zinc supplements. However, I need to know whether or not it will "fight" with other supplements I have been ordered to take.

FYI, I suffer badly from Crohn's disease and have been prescribed a drug to combat the worst of the symptoms and to lessen the number of "episodes" I suffer. This drug is cytotoxic (and is used in chemotherapy) and seems to be doing its job but the downside is that I have been warned that, because of this drug, I have become very vulnerably to colds and chest infections. Also, I can't stay in strong sunlight as this will adversely affect me.

As you can see, they've got me both coming AND going! My hospital consultants have ordered me to take supplements of Vitamin D and folic acid - if I also take a zinc supplement (with a weekly dose of copper) will this additional supplement cancel out the others? I would be most grateful if you could spare the time to give me a little information. Thanking you in advance.

Pretty Paws,

Sorry it took so long to answer --

You have Crohn's, I have IBS, and the two are related. Not sure what drug they have prescribed for you, but it is pretty obvious that immune deficiency is something they are concerned about.
SwampWoman said…
@Elle, 3. Inslee has really stepped it up and been proactive with the shutdowns. Schools, including colleges, online classes until at least April 24 (and of course, it will be much longer). No gatherings. Closed libraries (but book deliveries to seniors). It's weird because some people are starring in their own zombie apocalypse movies while others are scratching and wiping and offended if asked to step 6 feet away.

I agree re Inslee. It hit there first and hardest, and it will be difficult to rein in. He is doing the right things (IMO) in a desperate attempt to slow the spread, not contain, just slow it down so that the hospitals can catch up.

Sadly, I do not know when or where granddaughter will graduate from high school; the venue that was going to be used has been shut down. (Which is a good thing for those of us that are grandparents but sad for the kids!) All K-12 schools are now shut down for two weeks. Many of the counties have activated their own emergency management plans and have closed things like football stadiums and tourist attractions. Things are changing hourly; yesterday my 5-year-old granddaughter was talking to me on the phone and was very sad because she'd left her lunchbox at school and couldn't bring it over to show me during spring break. Her Mommy told her that that was okay, she could get it when she goes back in a week (after spring break), and I could see it another time. I told her Mommy that I very much doubted that the kids would be back to school in a week. I was right and I hate that. I don't think that many are going to be going back at all but will finish the school year online.

Now that the CDC bottleneck is out of the way re the testing, the Florida pandemic plan is being put into action by the numbers.

As of COB yesterday in Florida, there were 42 positives with 15 of them female, so 36% female. Odd, given that there are so many more older females than males. The youngest CV victim is a 20-year-old male; the oldest an 81-year-old female. How are the percentages of male to female victims holding up in your state? *Many* of ours are travel-acquired, either cruise ship (older people) or European trips (younger people). There are a significant minority that are too ill to say how they may have acquired it.
CatEyes said…
A week ago there were 2 dead in Florida. How many dead now?
CatEyes said…
Just looked at official Florida site re: COVID-19 and still only 2 dead.
SwampWoman said…
@Pretty Paws and Lt. Uhura:

You have Crohn's, I have IBS, and the two are related. Not sure what drug they have prescribed for you, but it is pretty obvious that immune deficiency is something they are concerned about.

Sticking up hand in the back: I have celiac (grin). As long as I avoid wheat or any of its close relatives, I'm okay. Sadly, though, wheat is sneaked into a lot of products where you wouldn't expect it! Have y'all ever done a trial of avoiding wheat to see if that may lessen your symptoms?

FWIW, I have an upset stomach with zinc, too. My strategy is to include as many high-zinc foods as possible.
SwampWoman said…
The temperatures have been warm, so people have been out and about in their skimpy clothes getting lots of vitamin D from the sun. We have been speculating that this might be a factor along with the warmth enticing people outside instead of inside where virus loads can build, but it is too early to tell. I think it wouldn't hurt for people to take some D just in case while we wait to see. It is pretty inexpensive.

There are people in the hospitals that are quite ill so while I hope that the death toll remains at 2, I don't think that is going to happen.
xxxxx said…
Some bad news-----

Coronavirus survivors may suffer from reduced lung function
Nutty Flavor said…
Just put up a fresh board for Saturday, March 14.

I realize it's still Friday for some of you on the West Coast of the USA, but for simplicity's sake, when it comes to day markers we're going to go off Estonian time.
Nutty Flavor said…
To find the latest day's board, just click on where it says "Nutty Flavor Virus Blog" at the top.
Nutty Flavor said…
@WizardWench, I appreciate that you feel strongly, but I would like this blog to be about the Corona virus, not any specific politician.

Also, just to be clear, Trump did not say that the virus was a hoax - he said some of the coverage of his response tot he virus was a hoax.

Here's fairly neutral take on the "hoax" claim.
Portcitygirl said…
Thank you so much, SwampWoman. Mine is a bit hard headed as well. Plus our extended family in SC are absolutely unconcerned about this. I told my parents to take precaution and they blew me right off. I hope most are self isolating and everyone stays safe.

Also, SO and I went for a drive last night just to get out and, although major events have all been canceled here for the forseeable future, people were out partying like rock stars last night.😱
Ava C said…
I keep wondering why rings and long fingernails haven't been mentioned, as surely they reduce the effect of proper handwashing? I'm keeping my nails short and have given up rings for the duration. I'm sure a simple wedding ring is fine though. It is for medical staff.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Sorry to hear this. I have an extremely sensitive stomach but seem OK with zinc. Try various forms, zinc citrate is one, there are others. Thankfully zinc is not hugely expensive. Another option is bio calcium, that comes from marine plants and has a number of other elements like zinc and magnesium in it, they all work in synergy.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Yes, hopefully this virus will work as wake up call of danger of globalism and relying on a communist regime. As somebody said, America should not go to standstill every time China sneezes.
Ian's Girl said…
Thank you so much for these suggestions!
Ian's Girl said…
He was absolutely accused of racism when he banned travel to and from China. And there was plenty of information about the virus as far back as January at least. I've been stocking up on things ever since China quarantined the entire city of Wuhan (a city of 11 million people) over the deaths if 40 people, which I believe I heard about around the middle of January. Before then, I hadn't cared anything about it, but that struck me as an extremely drastic measure to take, and I figured it was much worse than was being reported. The media were showing pictures of how pollution in China had decreased so significantly because of the massive quarantines. I honestly don't know how anyone can say there has been an embargo of the news, because there has been nothing BUT news about this, for several months.

I think it's a fair enough question to ask why someone who has been exposed hasn't been tested yet, but as to why he isn't self isolating, my feeling is that then he'd be completely excoriated by the media for not being directly involved in everything. He's damned if he does and damned is he doesn't and he'd rather be seen doing something than what would be reported as hiding. The media flat out accused Bush of hiding on September 11th, when in fact the protocol is for the President to be held away from DC during such events, and he was fighting with his staff the entire time to be taken back.
JHanoi said…
Ive also been aware of this virus since January. CV19 delayed workers from getting back to work from CNY and production and shipments are still slow. I’m actually shocked/ surprised all the countries, China, US, and the rest have reacted as quickly as they have to try to suppress, flatten the curve. Wuhan & northern Italy are examples of the swiftness of the virus. For most it will be a bad flu but for the elderly, underlying health condition, smokers it could mean health care, medical supply, ventilator rationing. Even doctors, nurses and personnel, there isn’t enough to go around.

Ive been picking up extra non-perishables and stuff since January.

The stock market would have dropped some anyway because China supplies the world and they closed down, but it probably would have been slower without the Media turning this into panic situtation.

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