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Corona Virus Blog, April 19, 2020

Let's continue the conversation!


MiamiVice said…

I’m a little curious as to why you posted that Reddit article? Perhaps to show Nutty and others the true nature of our delicate flower, perhaps?
Not unlike the Arum Dioscoridis, I suppose.
abbyh said…

I am moving along with 19 face masks for family. All I have to do is sew the ties on.

Another glorious day here on the gulf coast of Florida. Had a beautiful bicycle ride! Meeting friends at the park for a byop (picnic). So thankful to live in paradise!
I can cope with the idea of being cooped up for 12 weeks but `they' are now talking in terms of a year for us oldies if they relax the lockdown.

God help us.
SwampWoman said…
MiamiVice said...

I’m a little curious as to why you posted that Reddit article? Perhaps to show Nutty and others the true nature of our delicate flower, perhaps?
Not unlike the Arum Dioscoridis, I suppose.

I just copied it to preserve it from being deleted. Our delicate flower likes to post sh*t, then delete and moan about people being mean to her. But, I'm through with even reading the posts; the silliness against opening the beaches in certain areas was just too much. The death rates up there under authoritarian and draconian rule are incredibly high.
I must keep going forward, else I will dig a rut.
I am 70 yrs old. I have had 2 strokes, caused by lupus. Also, have had lymphoma and chemo. I am older now than I ever thought I would be.
Some days are good, some bad. I am fortunate to live where our government isn’t oppressive.
I am careful, however, there are worse things than dying! Staying housebound and lonely is worse, imo. So, with that, I choose to live my life as full as possible. I really miss my grandchildren, they live in other states. I will visit as soon as possible.

SwampWoman said…
@WildBoarBattle-maid: I guess it depends on if they are planning on completely normalizing everything to just let 'er rip (as we say here) and get it over with. If they keep it to a slow burn to keep the hospitals from getting overwhelmed, I can see where it would take that long.
MiamiVice said…
Miss Scarlett,

A lot of these COVID 19 stories are lies to justify actually murdering our economy. As per the article I posted, 3700 of the 10,000 cases never tested positive. So they may have been tested and even tested negative. This is also the tail end of flu and pneumonia season so increased deaths are not uncommon in this time of the year.

Be responsible (I know you will) but some things are worse than a virus and one of them is Not Having a Life and Still Somehow Getting the Virus.

Thank God we live in a state that hasn’t handled this like the gestapo.
A 1000 upvotes for our wonderful MiamiVice!
MiamiVice said…

A bully is never most brave when they can prey on an isolated victim. That’s why I joined this chat in the first place, although you were doing a fine job of giving the stats from Florida. I’ve got you, girl.
SwampWoman said…
Miss Scarlett, other than missing the grandchildren, meeting friends at the local diner, having big family dinners, and setting the alarm clock for work in the morning, our lives haven't changed *that* much. *thinking about it, particularly the alarm clock* Okay, yes they have. Perhaps for the better (grin). Having to get dressed in the morning and going back to work, oh, my!
Portcitygirl said…
Some of you may have seen this already. SC is opening up all beaches and retail this coming Tue. No restaurants for now. I think NC will follow in this vein although I think we have a little over 6100 tested positive. Our deaths are holding pretty steady and I think we would have less without the Charlotte airport.

We will see how it goes. I hope people won't go nuts though. Lol. Has to be done. People's minds are going to crack otherwise.
MiamiVice said…

I hope people will be wise too and I believe most will. If they don’t end this, then people will go off the deep end and so many more businesses will fail. Also I wonder about the suicide rates from isolation and financial devastation from continuing on in isolation.
I hear you!
My life is everyday is Saturday, best thing about being retired! I always hated am alarm!
I couldn’t handle anymore isolation than this, though. I realize others have it worse.

As I saw closer pictures of the crowds on the beach, it was not as the drone pic showed.
It appeared to me as couples or families in any group. Of course, the media tries to make it like a free for all.
Very tired of the media’s fear porn!
SwampWoman said…
MiamiVice, I think the best thing we can do is roll our eyes, agree that Florida is a Death Trap (tm) with relatively few deaths (19 overnight from Chinese Plague in the entire state), and ignore (although IMO any deaths are an act of war committed by the CCP.) Did you see that we have almost 700 infected now that are *not* residents of Florida?
SwampWoman said…
@Miss Scarlett:
As I saw closer pictures of the crowds on the beach, it was not as the drone pic showed.
It appeared to me as couples or families in any group. Of course, the media tries to make it like a free for all.
Very tired of the media’s fear porn!

Yep, fear porn is exactly right. Same here, family groups, dishonest perspective to make it look as bad as possible!
SwampWoman said…
Former DIL's husband was out gigging flounder and fishing for snapper, so I'm going to be getting lots of fish for the freezer soon!
MiamiVice said…
Swampwoman or others,

Are the increasing non-resident numbers due to the snowbirds who haven’t left?
SwampWoman said…
MiamiVice, they're still coming in on 95 where SIL was stopping cars at a checkpoint. The numbers quoted here were 17,000 cars in a week and a half, plus there are still the planes, and cars are sneaking in on the back roads as well. The RV parks that should be emptied out now are still full here, not sure about your location. Miss Scarlett? PortCityGirl?
On my side of Florida, I believe it’s snowbirds that came after the shtf.
MiamiVice said…
Miss Scarlett,

Where do they go? Aren’t hotels and VRBO’s shut down? Wouldn’t most of the available rentals already be taken up by the snowbirds that came in the early winter? I had heard people from NY/NJ were coming down here but couldn’t figure out where they’d be staying?
MiamiVice said…

I had not thought of people deleting a statement so they could appear the victim. I thought when people deleted a statement they were regretting saying something they would’ve been better off not saying (that’s when I’ve thought of deleting something).
From what I have gathered, snowbirds who left are renting out their condos and houses. Of course, some came back to their own.
One of our problems is all the company that came to visit from the hotspots.
Condos that rent for $8000 and up, are $2500 and up in off season. License plates in parking lots tell a tale.

Between Fort Myers Airport and Naples Airport..... it hasn’t stopped.
SwampWoman said…
For those of you that are having hair woes (I grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting, bwahahaha). Husband looked at me this morning and said "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" "I've just become more comfortable and it isn't like I'm not going to be wearing a hair covering in public for the next month...." "Hey, could you cut my hair this afternoon?" I CAN! Whether I SHOULD is an entirely different question.

Here's our song: True colors, a Cyndi Lauper parody.
SwampWoman said…
We just had a non-resident pop positive this morning. No idea if it was a snowbird in an RV village, a person in an expensive vacation condo, a motorist pulled over and temperature tested, or somebody that flew in a private plane.
MiamiVice said…
Someone had been posting here from Sweden. Sweden chose to go with the herd immunity approach. How did that go? I’d love to hear from you if you still read along.
SwampWoman said…
Yes, I want to hear about the Swedish experience, too.
Shaggy said…
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SwampWoman said…

Drexel University researchers have reported a method to quickly identify and label mutated versions of the virus that causes COVID-19. Their preliminary analysis, using information from a global database of genetic information gleaned from coronavirus testing, suggests that there are at least six to 10 slightly different versions of the virus infecting people in America, some of which are either the same as, or have subsequently evolved from, strains directly from Asia, while others are the same as those found in Europe.

First developed as a way of parsing genetic samples to get a snapshot of the mix of bacteria, the genetic analysis tool teases out patterns from volumes of genetic information and can identify whether a virus has genetically changed. They can then use the pattern to categorize viruses with small genetic differences using tags called Informative Subtype Markers (ISM).

Applying the same method to process viral genetic data can quickly detect and categorize slight genetic variations in the SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, the group reported in a paper recently posted on the preliminary research archive, bioRxiv. The genetic analysis tool that generates these labels is publicly available for COVID-19 researchers on GitHub.

"The types of SARS-CoV-2 viruses that we see in tests from Asia and Europe is different than the types we're seeing in America," said Gail Rosen, Ph.D., a professor in Drexel's College of Engineering, who led the development of the tool. "Identifying the variations allows us to see how the virus has changed as it has traveled from population to population. It can also show us the areas where social distancing has been successful at isolating COVID-19."

If there are six to ten different viruses circulating just in America, it doesn't sound promising for a vaccine.
Portcitygirl said…
Flounder gigging. Love it. Nothing like a fresh piece of flounder with cole slaw and fries.
I know what we are having this week, Swampwoman! In my county here we don't have RV parks anywhere near us that I know of- MB area is another story. I will have to ask my family member down there if knows anything. I still wish our Govt. would monitor our borders a bit better.

Miami Vice

Not to be mean, but we have some real dummies here who may ruin it for the rest of us. I hope that isnt the case. I think we will be ok if the schools stay closed and the restaurants keep to curbside. And cross our fingers that a month from now our numbers havent jumped the shark.
SwampWoman said…
Portcitygirl, the schools here in Florida and in Georgia (and their sports programs) are closed until next school year, so maybe your governor will decide to do the same.
SwampWoman said…
The schools in Duval County (Jacksonville) have tentatively set their graduation ceremonies for July; I don't know what, if anything, our county will do.
SwampWoman said…
A wanted murderer from Pennsylvania was picked up because he was NOT exercising at the beach:

A wanted Pennsylvania fugitive was arrested Sunday after police found him on Jacksonville Beach during a check to ensure that everyone was complying with the new beach rules amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

While conducting a check of the 500 block of Beach Proper South at 8:20 a.m., police found 30-year-old Mario Matthew Gatti loitering close to the dunes, according to the Jacksonville Beach Police Department.

So, if you are a fat murderer from Pennsylvania trying to hide out at the beach, you better be jogging.
MiamiVice said…

So if you are a fat murderer from PA, you’d better be jogging. I’m dying! Hahaha! That’s awful, but I’m glad they caught him.
SwampWoman said…
People that aren't from around here don't think they stick out at the beach, but they do.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Portcitygirl said…

Hopefully we will keep with school closures here as well. Parents are going nuts though. Even my friends with middle
So very proud of our President Trump! A businessman who knows how to get things done. It is the governor’s job to keep states stockpiles ready. Many of them didn’t. POTUS’S team stepped in and handled them like a Boss! It’s a shame the opposition is denying small businesses the ability to survive. Of course, they want pork projects, money for illegal immigrants! To hell with American citizens!
SwampWoman said…
@Portcitygirl Swampwoman

Hopefully we will keep with school closures here as well. Parents are going nuts though. Even my friends with middle

Daughter has one in high school, one in middle school, one in elementary school, and one in kindergarten. I think she's ready to sacrifice the cats to Governor DeSantis if he'd just open the schools. Each of the two boys has a face to face video conference with each teacher of their 7 classes twice per week, along with time in "class" going over the assignments. She is going nuts trying to keep up with it while she's at work, their dad is at work, and the girls also have THEIR schedules with their teachers. The kindergartner often doesn't get online because she's fighting with her elementary school sister and will NOT let her help her, and daughter has to get her online and caught up over the weekend. Daughter worked 10 days in a row over the last two weeks without a day off. The middle school kid is a computer whiz that builds computers and he refuses to help his older high school brother when he has computer problems. His older brother is a straight A student in premed but is NOT a computer enthusiast.

Sadly, they live an hour and a half south of us. I have a feeling that they will be living with this over summer vacation.
SwampWoman said…
Miss Scarlett, I have to tell you that in between times that he's been in meetings and doing the things that have to be done in order to try to get this country on its feet again, President Trump took the time to call a local boy that just turned 15 whose leukemia treatment wasn't working and they were no more options. He came home to die. He got a call from President Trump telling him that even in Washington D.C. he'd heard about what a star the young man was. (Tim Tebow and his wife also called the boy and prayed with him.) The young man died early on Easter morning. The day before, he'd gotten his eagle scout award because a bunch of his friends completed his project for him since he was unable.
SwampWoman said…
I don't know what is going on, but son in law's NG unit was just activated and he's going to be gone for over 30 days. Daughter will be there with the four kids doing the home schooling, is an essential employee working long hours, and starts graduate school in a couple weeks. We may have to get a couple of the kids next week in order to keep the fights to a minimum.
MiamiVice said…
I saw a meme that said:

So you’re telling me that if I disobey the social distancing rules I can go to jail and yet they are releasing the prisoners in jail so they won’t get CoronaVirus?

About the state our nation is in right now.
MiamiVice said…

Better get your referee whistle ready.
What a heartbreaking story! Our President does so many acts of kindness. Tim Tebow is also an inspiration.
President Trump, years ago, had car trouble. A couple stopped and assisted, POTUS found their info, and paid off their mortgage. He walks his talk!
MiamiVice said…
A news article on Sweden. It’s not the same as boots on the ground but better than nothing until we get some first-hand information.
SwampWoman said…
That is just sad. Sounds like they've had New York level deaths in their nursing facilities. That was so foreseeable that it looks like it was deliberate.
Portcitygirl said…

Praying special prayers for all of you down there!💕
SwampWoman said…
@MiamiVice Swampwoman,

Better get your referee whistle ready.
I better get my cooking pans ready!
SwampWoman said…
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SwampWoman said…
Goodness, I had a comment and an incredible amount of blank lines in there. I deleted it; let's see if I can do better this time.

SURELY it isn't just me that can look at a situation like the COVID-19 disease that is fatal to so many elderly people. It is so freaking obvious that you do NOT put people in there that are freely mixing with the general public and then with the frail elderly without covering them in protective gear for the sake of the patients. Somehow these "professional" administrators overlooked that little detail. How could this happen? Stupidity? Policy decision to kill the elders? This level of incompetence is just so huge that I can't understand how it could be an accident.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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