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Corona Virus Blog April 2, 2020

Good evening!  A late post today.

The most interesting thing I saw today was a map of New York City that showed the correlation between long subway commutes - from the outer boroughs to Manhattan - and coronavirus cases.

The people with the longest commutes, often the poor, had the highest rates of infection, while the wealthy people who lived downtown (and could often walk to work) had some of the lowest.

Areas where the subway does not run also had very few outbreaks.


The second-most interesting thing I saw today was this Tweet from Sean Ono Lennon. Unlike his parents, Sean is not a political guy, so this was surprising.

(Also, when I went to look up the link, I saw this previous Tweet from Sean - "Although delightful, please know it is not absolutely necessary to quote the lyrics of Imagine to me as a response to each and every tweet I make. It may come as a shock to you but I am vaguely familiar with both the music AND the lyrics of this tune. Thank you.")

Let's continue the conversation.


SwampWoman said…
I have noticed that the cluster of infection here is along the major freeways, around the international airports and shipping ports.
In UK, the authorities are still pussy-footing around `certain communities' who :

- ignore the `advice'

- don't understand the advice

-are still going to their places of worship

-gathering in their local shops.

- live in multi-generational households

- don't keep as large a `personal space' as others.

No names, no pack-drill, but their rates of covid are higher than those of other groups and account for the hot-spots in the Midlands. There's a lot to be said for `old-fashioned British reserve, despite what Megsy says.

I'd expect rates around London to correlate with Tube & rail links, also with high-rise housing (lifts as tightly-enclosed spaces). And M-ways.

I'll keep my eyes open for reports.
Nutty Flavor said…
If you’re talking about Orthodox Jews, I have read some articles about very high infection rates in that community.

Because of intermarriage, there may also be underlying health issues present. I remember that the Christian Mennonites had a similar problem. As I recall, a few churches intentionally set up in Central America and found local women willing to marry into the group, providing some much needed genetic diversity.
It's going to be where ever people gather- airports, ships, congested freeways, stores, etc. Even public outdoor spaces, like parks, or just walking around your neighborhood. Now they're telling us that even breathing can spread COVID.

I need to vent here. There is so little that is actually known about COVID, how it spreads, who will get it, the age of people who are most likely to get it, whether to shelter in place, etc. I just got a notice from MSN that there are now 1,000,000 KNOWN cases worldwide. Nobody knows the number of unreported or untested cases. Is that number reliable?

From the very beginning, our government and world medical organizations have sent out false or misleading info to the public, often having to retract early incorrect info or just completely ignoring that they have presented false info to the public. Rather than sending out misleading info, we should have been told that they just did not know, rather than lie to us as a panacea.

I've been telling friends for weeks that the six-foot distancing rule won't help a bit. It doesn't take a government scientist to figure out that a cough or sneeze can send droplets many times further than that and can remain on surfaces for far longer than described in early reports.

Mask or no mask? First we were told we didn't need masks unless we presented symptoms. Now we are being told that everybody should wear masks and that people can carry the virus without any symptoms present. It can be anywhere and the healthiest-looking person could transfer it to you.

We were told that COVID mostly affects the elderly. They have had to backtrack on that, too. Validity of COVID tests are in question now, as they have been rushed into production without the necessary trials.

I could go on and on about the false and misleading info we've been given since the very beginning of this pandemic. We should have been told that the medical experts didn't know how, where and why COVID presents itself, but that it is a public crisis, that all non-essential businesses should close and to remain indoors at home until the experts figured out how to handle this pandemic.

As a former reporter, I know that essential info is sometimes kept from the public "for the public good," so that people will not panic. Today, we are bring protected from mass panic by government and health officials, but this protection is not protecting us from the problem itself- COVID.

Withholding info or putting out "guesses" has caused the virus to spread much more quickly, which has resulted in many more deaths. Our government needs to tell us the truth, and quickly, before more false info wipes us out completely. Tell us if the government just doesn't know, but don't treat us like children who need to be protected from scary news. This will not help and it has obviously made things worse.

Anybody remember the "in case of nuclear attack" poster that many college students had in their dorms in the late 60s- early 70s? It is a parody of the same sort of propaganda that we're experiencing now.

Here's the poster. Read all instructions to the very end:

Please be safe and take every precaution, everybody, even if it looks or seems overly dramatic. It's better to be overly cautious than under prepared to protect yourself, your loved ones and the public. I'm not writing this in a state of panic, but from anger. Anger at being misled time and again about COVID. End rant.
CookieShark said…
I watched a very revealing interview with a South Korean doctor who basically said everyone should stay at home and wear masks when they go out.

I work in a hospital. I think the argument "Don't buy an n-95, the healthcare workers need them" is bizarre. Supplies for a hospital, if ordered properly, shouldn't have anything to do with what someone sitting at home decides to order.

You can also order homemade masks from Etsy. We did for our personal use and can rewash them.

Ultimately, limiting contact and opportunity to become infected is also vital. Stay home people! If you go out, be aware of your hands at all times. Wear a mask if you have it, use hand sanitizer right away, and wash your hands ASAP.

I also echo what someone else said on the previous board. If you have mild symptoms, call your MD first. The crowds of people trying to get into the ED...if you didn't have COVID before, you will after being smushed in a crowd like that!
Lemon Tea said…
Hi Nutty

Lemon Tea here

I posted a long write , got interrupted, then my post disappeared.

In a nutshell , people who do long commutes are far more resilient than most. Unless they have underlying health issues. However they have way less time to spend on home activities and sports and recreational stuff, because they are so tired.

However I cannot see a correlation as you mentioned.

What I can say is , tourists get more bang for their buck by staying in the longer commute areas, as they get to see more than what they would see and experience in the high walled areas. Therefore more tourists visit and stay in these longer commute areas. Just my opinion.

More tourists, more infection.
Lemon Tea said…
Hi Nutty

Lemon Tea here

I posted a long write , got interrupted, then my post disappeared.

In a nutshell , people who do long commutes are far more resilient than most. Unless they have underlying health issues. However they have way less time to spend on home activities and sports and recreational stuff, because they are so tired.

However I cannot see a correlation as you mentioned.

What I can say is , tourists get more bang for their buck by staying in the longer commute areas, as they get to see more than what they would see and experience in the high walled areas. Therefore more tourists visit and stay in these longer commute areas. Just my opinion.

More tourists, more infection.
Lemon Tea said…

Lemon Tea here

Agree with most of what you said.

Most of what I typed didn't print. Will try to discuss at another chance.

I understand that this blog I devoted to COVID, but people worldwide are becoming anxious and depressed. People are committing suicide, domestic violence rates are up, people and are worrying that their very necessary meds won't be available in the near future. worry and depression causes the immune system to not work at full capacity.

I'm proud of the people on your blog who seem to be thinking clearly and not panicking, and are trying to help themselves and their neighbors as best they can. but I think some time should be put aside to concentrate on the good things in life.

Is it possible, or something that you'd be interesting in, to have a day a week (maybe Sunday?) or a section of your blog for things like what we're doing everyday to keep ourselves entertained, to talk about what what we're reading or which movies we're watching? What meals we've cooked or just the little things that we're thankful for?

Personally, I'm thankful for Pinwheels cookies. I couldn't get through this without their marshmallow and chocolate delicousness, even though I'll probably be a blimp by the time this is over.

I think a little break from horrible news and some normal, light chat would go a long way to ease the tension and fear of attempting to live through this pandemic. Anybody else interested in this? Thoughts?

@Lemon Tea,

Looking forward to your comments. I don't have all of the answers, but just needed to get my frustrations out.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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SwampWoman said…
JocelynsBellinis, I feel your pain re: I need to vent here. There is so little that is actually known about COVID, how it spreads, who will get it, the age of people who are most likely to get it, whether to shelter in place, etc. I just got a notice from MSN that there are now 1,000,000 KNOWN cases worldwide. Nobody knows the number of unreported or untested cases. Is that number reliable?

Nobody really does know how many people have had it and recovered and some of those that have had it and died, well, we don't know those either from the early days. China's numbers are, how to put this delicately, I would say an exercise in creative fiction writing.

It does not help that in some areas, this thing roars through the population killing so many while in others, it doesn't seem to make much of an impact. Perhaps there are really a number of different mutations out there presenting in different ways. Perhaps certain genes are protective. The Chinese said that people with type-O blood were more resistant and type A more susceptible. *shrug* I have no clue if that is a valid observation or not.

Here, the 65 to 74-year-old age group has the largest number of deaths. The 45 to 54-year-old age group has the largest number of positive tests. There are slightly more 25 to 34 year olds that tested positive and a 1% larger number of same hospitalized than the 65 to 74 year olds but the 65 to 74 year olds had a 31% death rate while the 25 to 34 year olds had a 1% death rate.

Will this hold up? As time goes on, will more and more of those hospitalized in the 25 to 34-year-old group weaken and die? It is possible.

Now, we are having a surge in hospitalizations and positive tests; however, the people that are going into the statistics today tested @ 4 to 7 days ago. They may just now be getting ill enough to go into the hospital. We've had two patients today my county, one from my town, transported urgently to hospitals; they tested positive for COVID-19 after arriving at the hospital. They will be in the statistic tomorrow.

To show you something else confusing, here are the state of Georgia's statistics for today:

COVID-19 Confirmed Cases: No. Cases (%)
Total 5348 (100%)
Hospitalized 1056 (19.75%)
Deaths 163 (3.05%)

Florida's ending stats for the day were:

Confirmed Cases in Florida Residents

Cases in Non-Florida Residents

Total Cases



You see why nobody can give a definitive answer about anything? WHY would Florida have almost twice as many positives and fewer deaths and nearly the same number of hospitalizations? Perhaps Georgia's testing rate is still lagging far behind and people are getting admitted later and sicker, I don't know. Maybe Florida's beaches and sunshine really do help.

I see what you're saying, but how many of those spring breakers have no symptoms, but still carry the virus and have infected others? Those would not be counted. Neither would the people who became sick, but did not go for testing.

Look at Anon-Unknown's post above yours that has tracked the spread of COVID cases throughout the US through cell phones used by the Florida spring breakers on just one beach. It is shocking, and the same thing happened here in Oregon with crowds from elsewhere to party on the beaches. Washington State, too.

Another problem is that the tests are now in question as to validity because they have not gone through the usual trials. Yet another problem is that until a few days ago, they just swabbed the inside of your nose, but now they are finding that was not thorough enough to give a valid test result. The swab now has to go as far up the nose as possible, as COVID can hide further up the nasal cavity.

See my frustration? Gahhhhhhhh!
Shaggy said…
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Hellobluesky said…
Hello nutties,

Hello JocelynBellinis, are you OK now?

The major cluster in France was a church meeting in the East, and the people turned back home with the virus and spread it all over the country.
We don't test people except when they arrive at the hospital (we don't have enough tests...), so our number of infected people is not accurate.

But for the other numbers, the charts are incredibly the same for our countries,
here are some telling graphics about US, Italy, Spain, Germany, UK and France :

Ask them about the six-week-old baby who died last week in Connecticut from COVID. It kills people of ALL ages.

Your fear and anger are justified, but we can't let this get us down. We are strong people who will do the very best that we can to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. That's the best we can do. This is a war, and there have been more deaths from COVID than during the Vietnam War. We are now warriors against COVID. Keep that in mind when you're down. You're a warrior, and giving in is not an option. Good luck, and keep on fighting!
so we have to stay emotionally strong, express our anger and fear, but not give into it.
Kate said…

I too am very angry and don’t understand why we are getting new information everyday that makes this even scarier. I am the one in my family that runs errands and risks exposing myself and then my family.
But we’re a family of five and my kids are eating us out of the house.
I’ve been taking precautions, using gloves and sanitizer, but I just ordered some masks yesterday because of the new information. I had a feeling that it was possible to get it just by breathing in after so many people have it and it spreads so quickly.
I don’t see this being over any time soon. As an adult I can deal with it, but I feel bad that my kids have to go through all this.
Hellobluesky said…
It was reported today that in France 90% of our deaths were over 65 in age, and 62% with underlying health conditions.
And... 62 % of people with underlying health condition are in intensive care, and 57 % are over 65.
CatEyes said…
Talking about segments of society that marry close relatives, one group that has horrendous outcomes of marrying first cousins is the strict Muslim community. I have seem heart breaking videos of genetically damaged babies and children from such unions and the practice still continues. One family featured in a video showed 3 out of 4 children profoundly retarded and so deformed) The video was shot by a faithful Muslim woman health professional

I once read that the UK HS system was going to be overwhelmed if this continues. Just because of their fear for their women marrying outside their relatives; just criminal in my eyes to sentence babies to such a horrific life.

As the person who gets the food and other essentials for your family, I can understand your fear, but we can only do the best we can do in this extremely difficult situation. You've taken all of the precautions that you can, so, at this point, I would not dwell on thinking about bringing it home to your family. I know that's an almost impossible task, but you will just torture yourself if you continue to worry. That will wear you down quickly. Try to not think of yesterday or tomorrow, but just live in the moment. Try making what you are doing right now your focus.

As for the kids, I feel so sorry for them, too, but kids are extremely adaptable. The first month will be hard on them, but eventually they will find ways to entertain themselves, and the complaining that they are probably doing right now will disappear as they begin to see that they have no choice. This is the beginning of growing up and becoming responsible adults. They have to be responsible now, just as you do.

I've read that COVID has brought many families closer together than before. Families are actually siting around the dinner table, having family discussions and becoming closer because of that. Family game or storytelling nights are happening, and family members are doing craft or household projects together.

Not only are we warriors, as I said in another comment, but we are also pioneers in this crisis. Think like a pioneer family and what they had to do to survive. That also would be a good story-telling session or discussion for the kids, depending on their ages.

I wish you and your family all the best.
Shaggy said…
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Yes, I am fine now, but my energy level is still low. I'm not bouncing back as fast as I though I would.

I watched Chris Cuomo talking about his case of COVID, and his symptoms are remarkably similar to what mine were. He mentioned that his body felt he was being whacked at like a pinata. I felt like I was being beaten with a baseball bat, and with spikes being driven into my knees and shins. His temp went to 103, then settled at 101, the same as me. I didn't have weird dreams like he did because I couldn't sleep from the pain. It was excruciating, and I think he probably was given some pain medication. His reporting while isolated at home with those symptoms is admirable. I don't know how he did it.

BTW, had lunch with his father when he was governor of New York. We met at a deli, and he came in with two of the hugest bodyguards I've ever seen- Jason Momoa or Arnold Schwarzenegger during his bodybuilding days big! For security reasons, we sat in a center table, with him facing the street, and the body guards stood right behind him during lunch. I could tell they were armed and wearing vests and earpieces. It was quite intimidating, but he was so nice to me, a fledgling 20-year-old reporter from the PNW.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
Good to know you're okay, Nutty. Was a bit worried there last night. Take care & thank you for this blog space. 💜🍹
Scandi Sanskrit said…
Speaking of New York, I'm still getting messages from New Yorkers on the dating site (I haven't logged in in ages, I know they're sending messages from the email notifications.)

I'm like how the hell are you still looking to get laid??

Unless they're looking for an "apocalypse lover" to bonk with & make the last year of their lives saucy.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
Told my classmates at the cooking school about my coughing on the WhatsApp group chat last night. Even posted a link to my vlog with me coughing with a mask on.

I couldn't in good conscience just not tell them. Not coming anywhere near them until I'm cleared.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
@ JocelynsBellinis 

Glad to hear you're feeling better now
Leela said…
Oh please Cat Eyes let it go. Now you brought the argument over here from the other Nutty blog. You are being disruptive IMO and dragging out a petty matter for no good reason other than to get attention. I read here most days, have done so for many months and notice your attitude is not friendly to all. Plese do s Nutty suggested and take a break for a few days and come back when you can play nice.
Meowwww said…
Cat Eyes, please let it go. We have bigger things to worry about than petty arguments. People are dying, I have no interest in reading your proof against being banned.
Coronavirus related, my coworkers and I have pretty much given up. It’s just us, our bare hands and arms, and a bottle of veterinary grade germicide. People are still coming in with family in tow. Plus, I kind of think hubby and I have had it. Mid February, he went to visit my stepson in Mississippi. Stepson had weird fevers every night. After hubby got home, he and I had fevers every night for a good week. If the Florida governor is right and it was around at Super Bowl, well, it’s probably what we had. We hope this is correct.
CatEyes said…

"@CatEyes - the problem with the very large religious group in my state is that some are refusing to follow the pandemic guidelines. They continue to have large group get-togethers like weddings, parties, and religious training. These activities are important to their religion and they feel they should listen to God first before the government. I guess they do not care they are becoming ill and dying, as well as putting the rest of the state in jeopardy. Today the police had to break up 50 people who attended a funeral together."

I have a hunch that may be what is going on in Michigan which has a high number of cases. I don't want to name the religious group because it may seem like I am faulting their beliefs which is a shade different from critiquing their social practices.
CatEyes said…
Sorry typo meant @Anon'Unknown
CatEyes said…

You are harrassing me for following the law.. Please leave me alone. Google said to publish the terms of service form the blogspot!
OCGal said…
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Unknown said…
Thanks Nutty for the post. I really appreciate you giving us this place to express ourselves about this apocalypse. I don’t know where else I would write this. I just learned 3 people connected to my neighbors have passed away. It’s heartbreaking. My inner circle is safe and healthy and I cry and pray that it stays that way. I go on my knees praying for a miracle. I live in Queens, NY and it is so difficult to breathe.

I’ve been reeling since I read this article:

There is no question about it, EVERYONE should have been wearing bandanas if not masks immediately upon news of this outbreak whether they had symptoms or not. Breathing, speaking, and clearing your throat spreads this virus the most when you don’t even know you are ill.
Unknown said…
A (dark but) funny anecdote: My friend who works in Real Estate was dropped by his Chinese-American clients because they blamed “Americans” for COVID-19 and wanted to stop doing anymore business with “Americans.”
OCGal said…
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SwampWoman said…
I've been watching the music that people have been making in quarantine. I think my new favorite is "Quarantine, quarantine, drinkin' whiskey like vaccine, wavin' at the neighbors, social distancing, quarantine, quarantine, wearin' Lysol like sunscreen..."

Which reminded me that I need to go to the liquor store but it is midnight and everything is closed and I really wanted to drink whiskey and sing along but noooo. Oh, well. Lapsang souchong it is.

@JocelynsBellinis, I think you are "lucky" (?) in that you have had it, recovered, can enjoy your stay at the beach (if you are still there) and don't have to worry about it. As soon as there are antibody tests, you are good to go back to work and people will probably throw money at you to entice you to work with the public! I'm jealous. It would be a "get out of jail free" card.
CatEyes said…

>>s soon as there are antibody tests, you are good to go back to work and people will probably throw money at you to entice you to work with the public! I'm jealous. It would be a "get out of jail free" card.<<

I hear a vague reference about using antibodies from recovered CV-19 victims to help by then donating a factor of their blood for potential use in patients. maybe it is experimental but it is certainly conceivable. Have been too distracted here to pursue looking it up,
Unknown said…
re: the Subway map closely matching the COVID map

The fact that COVID-19 was spread by THE filthiest, most crowded, and widely used means of transportation is unsurprising. Also, the fact that it affected those who spent the most time being exposed to droplets is also unsurprising. When I read the MTA would start cleaning the trains every 3 days, I laughed. (Colbert thought it was a joke too). They eventually opted to clean 2x a day.

Things MSM are not discussing:
- Queens, NY (COVID-19 epicenter) is where both NY’s big airports are located: La Guardia and JFK. Those who work at the airports tend to live in the borough.
- NY has the largest Chinese-American population in the country with the biggest share living in Queens, NY. After the Chinese-Americans, we have the largest swathes of Asian-Americans that originate from the other hotspots.
OCGal said…
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Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Portcitygirl said…

Posted on Reddit. Interesting read.
Unknown said…
@Anon-Unknown Thank you for the kind thoughts. Please be safe, healthy, and happy. May all of us be safe and healthy. Discussing all this gets too overwhelming for me which is why I have been sporadic with my posts. I will try to post more going forward.

@CatEyes Please be well and blessed. May you and everyone you love stay safe and healthy.

@Scandi Sanskrit There is stigma around the virus and I am seeing it right here at home. It’s so dark and twisted but it is there and brewing. All my family and I live in cooperative apartment buildings. We got notices from our Managing Agents that they will keep identities of confirmed cases confidential. The fact that had to be written tells me there is a possibility people may be thrown out of their homes for the “greater good” and be sacrificed as a public service. NYC is so scary right now! Day by day it feels like we are getting closer to a true apocalypse.
Unknown said…
To further elaborate on why it’s scary that Managing Agents are saying they will keep information about COVID-19 status confidential, it has to do with the rights residents have to live in their homes.

The majority of homes in NYC are cooperative apartments. A co-op Board or a majority of the shareholders can literally vote to cancel someone’s proprietary lease and take away the apartment a shareholder has purchased. Most of the crazies and nasties in NYC are on Boards for that kind of power. Given these circumstances, it is not hard to imagine testing positive for COVID-19 can make you literally homeless. Winning against co-op boards are excruciating and almost impossible.
SwampWoman said…
Charade said: Things MSM are not discussing:
- Queens, NY (COVID-19 epicenter) is where both NY’s big airports are located: La Guardia and JFK. Those who work at the airports tend to live in the borough.
- NY has the largest Chinese-American population in the country with the biggest share living in Queens, NY. After the Chinese-Americans, we have the largest swathes of Asian-Americans that originate from the other hotspots.

Yes, I don't think we're supposed to notice that people are being infected along travel corridors and that it spreads throughout the state from there.
Thanks! I am over it, except for the exhaustion which lingers. Guess it took everything out of me, as I fall asleep as soon as I sit or lay down. Just wiped out. I wonder how long that will last, especially because I am an oldie.

I'm still a bit skeptical about the antibody bit from patients who have gone through the virus already. Because the news changes so quickly on everything about coronavirus, I'm really not convinced that I can't get it again. Will have to wait for a reliable antibody test to make sure, and how long will that take? All I know is that I never want to live through that again, and next time I'm not sure I would make it, as I am still weak. I'm sitting tight here at the coast until this is over and still taking every precaution.

Be good to everybody now, people. Not just your friends and family, but to strangers you meet. Even people you may not agree with or you see doing things that are not recommended. A kind word will go much farther than a nasty remark or a fight. Now is the time for kindness and support for everybody. We need to stay united to fight this.

Nutty, I missed that you may have been ill last night? I hope that you are better today. Thanks once again for giving us a place to not only discuss the pandemic, but to write about our worries and fears. I think it is very emotionally healing.
Unknown said…
FYI - New Nutty Viral Post :)
Shaggy said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
@SwampWoman Yes, the COVID map gets more interesting when you consider the zip codes of our airports.

JFK = 11430
LaGuardia = 11371

The other airport that services NYC is in Newark, NJ.

No, not the Orthodox Jews, although I do wonder what's happening in the Stamford Hill are of London. If there were a problem there, I don't think the press would hesitate to mention it - if that area were specified, we'd know exactly whom was meant.

I was alluding to the other People of the Book, of whom there are very many in the West Midlands. Profound sensitivity required.

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