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Corona Virus Blog, April 4, 2020

The Coronovirus pandemic continues. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are suffering from the symptoms, among them both of Princess Eugenie's in-laws. Mr. Brooksbank is in the ICU; Mrs. Brooksbank is recovering at home, apparently with the assistance of Eugenie and Jack.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post has put a mainstream media endorsement on the idea that China has vastly undercounted its dead. According to reporter Anna Fifield, "official Chinese statistics put Wuhan's coronavirus death toll at 2563. Evidence coming out of the city suggests it was actually more than 40,000."

So much for all those stories saying "The UK now has more deaths than China!" or "The US now has more deaths than China!"

Finally, I found myself wanting to wear a mask for the first time yesterday. I was at the grocery store - retrospectively, a poor choice, since the first Friday of the month is bound to attract a lot of newly-paid shoppers.

The store had stuck a promotional candy display in the middle of an entry aisle, pushing the streams of shoppers to the side around it.

We were packed together quite closely. Uncomfortable! Wished I'd had something to protect myself.

I ended up holding my shopping list in front of my face.

Let's continue the conversation.


Portcitygirl said…
There is an article out that posted yesterday that suggests NC is trending downward in cases! Yay! I couldn't get the link to post, but will try again later. Thanks to our Governor and Mayor for being some of the very first to shut things down.

Now if we could just close our borders for a month we will be good to go. Of course, this won't happen, but it should!

Morning, Everyone!
Nutty Flavor said…
Yes, that's going to be the next big question, isn't it? Border closings.

Once you've secured your own area, all you need is a couple of super-spreaders from a nearby area and you're in serious trouble.
Portcitygirl said…
Exactly! SO saw five cars at the market from NY and NJ today and we have seen an uptick while just out for a drive. We've already had two super spreaders knowingly come through our airport
who both live one county over.

On Reddit another Civil War is brewing between FL and NY. Each blaming the other for spreading it. I do believe at this point that it would be beneficial if these two Governors would close their borders.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
I've developed serious anger issues as a side-effect. I almost lost it this morning.
Portcitygirl said…

You aren't alone. I yelled at the pug today. Who yells at a pug?
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandie said…
So, we all survived another day in the world of coronavirus ... stay strong everyone.

In South Africa, the lockdown happened quickly and it is one of the strictest being imposed in the world. The spread of the virus seems to be under control and very few have died (so far, the police have killed more people in just over a week than the virus has in a month), but projections were that at least 60% of the population would be infected and more than 5% would die.

As I said in another post, as I see it, the real reason for any kind of lockdown is twofold:

1. Control the movement of people so you can test and find out key information such as how many are infected, how many are asymptomatic, how many are ill but will recover, how many will be infected, get ill, recover and still be infectious ... (it seems that the information from China was not accurate at all so all the modelling and planning done at the earlier stage of the pandemic will have been based on very inaccurate information).

2. Bring down the number of infections and thus the number of people requiring ICU and hospitalisation and the number of deaths (the truth is that health systems and the funeral business cannot cope with the increasing number of very ill and dying people - in any country).

Lockdown will not stop the virus from spreading. As Nutty said, you just need one or two super spreaders (and these people are often asymptomatic) to start up the pandemic in an area all over again. Lockdown buys time (for a more effective treatment, for a vaccine, for quicker and more accurate tests ...) and brings the pandemic down to manageable levels.
Portcitygirl said…
Anon Unknowm

Please don't leave. People are just hyper sensitive right now. I have friends in FL and close family in NY. People all over the country in each state are acting stupidly right now. There is just more focus on NY/NJ and s FL due to these areas being hotspots. The spring breakers were stupid and foolish, but the mayors of each beach should have stopped them. NY/NJ unfortunately has two major airports that brought a lot in. We stand with y'all and with FL during this horror. Personally at this point I think all unnecessary travel between states should be banned. It's like Nutty said- it only takes one super spreader. Who knows, that super spreader could come from NC. We all have to be vigilant until there is a vaccine.
As I was saying yesterday:

I wonder if it would have gone unreported, were it not for an MP getting a reprimand?
Scandi Sanskrit said…
@Portcitygirl: 💜💜

Sends hugs to you and your pug.

With this Coronavirus, there's always something isn't there?! Weekend or no weekend. I'm actually shocked it's freaking Saturday. I've lost track of the days!
Portcitygirl said…
Thank you, Scandi!

We are messing up days as well. We plan to pack a cooler and and drive up the coast and just park somewhere and have a little picnic. I hope you have a great day🙏
We've just come in from out morning constitutional (we're allowed out for one period of exercise a day).

All is quiet.

We have almost 3 miles of beautiful sandy beach which would be impossible to close but the District Council has done the next best thing and shut all the public loos. The DC's been annoying us for the last few years because it's been closing them to save money, in the face of protest. We're a seaside town with elderly residents & visitors who need access to facilities if there are no cafes.

I'm v. pleased they're shut now though. So far, the campervans are staying away - police check points on the main roads help enormously.

As the Health Sec said t'other day, `Staying at home is not a request - it's a Government regulation' ie law.

It'll be a strange summer without the visitors. Easter will be the real test.

Shopping is our main challenge. I've been trying to buy more strong flour for bread-making, with no success; even when I go the the websites of the various mills, they all say they're working flat out but they've had to close their `shops' until they've cleared the backlog of orders.

I read one report that suggested the cause of the problem was the shortage of packaging. So much for `just-in-time' delivery. Or are ebay profiteers at work? Or would-be exporters?

My supermarket online order from `Iceland' was barely 60% successful. Most of the fresh veg & fruit arrived but no dry goods or booze. I did manage to order jumbo oats and oatmeal (13 kg in all) from the main English supplier - that should see us through the next 10 weeks (in theory, it was supposed to be few weeks but when imposed the period of being incarcerated became `up to 12 weeks'. It may even be longer.

It's a challenge, whichever way one looks at it. Husband & I are coping pretty well - I'm even feeling much better than I did, having given up the medication I was on for migraine (Topiramate). GP finally admitted that it was a `dirty drug', potentially with many side effects. They may only upset one in 10, or even 1 in 100 patients, but it's not funny if you happen to be that one.

Sorry to hear you're finding it difficult, Scandi. Have you thought of thumping a cushion to relieve your anger? Or there's that other activity you mentioned - would it take your mind off things?

I'm wondering about KnitWit and whether she managed to get away from what sounded like a dangerous narcissist. I'm feeling guilty about telling her what I thought was the best course of action for anyone in that situation - I do hope she's OK, wherever she is.

Someone has added an extra bit to one of the road-names near here. It's another notice, saying `Smile!' with smiley faces of course. It always works for me.

I don't seem to able to stay asleep for more than 3 hours at a time - it's mid-morning now but drowsiness is about to overwhelm me. Talk to you all later- stay safe.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
@ Portcitygirl:

Thank you & hope you have a great day too and lots and lots of fresh air!! 🍃🌸🌊
Scandi Sanskrit said…
@Wild Boar:

Actually now that I think of it, I hope KnitWit's coping. Her sanity's being tested harder than mine!!

Thanks for your suggestion! 💜💜
Lemon Tea said…
@ anon-unknown

Lemon Tea here

Agree , per your previous comments , that all 50 states should be unilateral. I can't see the point of the President making one statement , and then leaving the decision loosely on each state. Of course viewpoints are going to differ, as it has. Dangerous, I think. Why can't the states do a vote ? And majority wins get to make the decision?
All the laws and policies in each state and how they differ seem deliciously complicated. In fact, why couldnt every country in the world vote on this isolation tactic? Together. Why so many differing strategies with one virus?

How we love to criticise those in power. And we should. Seems like those in power are either being decisive , floundering ,dictatorial , or bluntly stupid , in between other adjectives. Yes, someone higher up must take blame, but ultimately individuals have control (hopefully ) of their health status, to a certain degree.

Whenever I hear herd immunity, thoughts of wildlife stampedes across the Serengeti comes to mind. Stampedes usually caused by one or two, then masses get wounded and killed and maimed. Why the term "herd " was tagged to us humans in the first place , is insulting. Thankfully those in leadership are doing their best , not always but they appear to.
SwampWoman said…
Bacardi Rum is bottling sanitizer: JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Bacardi Bottling Company has turned its building on Jacksonville’s Northside into a plant that’s making hand sanitizer.

It’s delivering to law enforcement officers and other first responders. The company itself is producing sanitizer for the entire state of Florida.

Manufacturing Director Darrin Mueller said that from the start of the coronavirus crisis, Bacardi began working on ways to help out in the pandemic.

The results have already made a difference.

“This week, we had the fortunate opportunity to produce about 24,000 gallons of hand sanitizer for those on the frontlines fighting this pandemic,” Mueller said.

Bacardi delivered bottles to police at Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and the Jacksonville International Airport. It’s also made deliveries to UF Health and Baptist Hospital.

The company is coordinating with mayors and Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office.

“This is just a small token of our appreciation back to the communities and those fighting on the front lines, because without them, without our first responders, without our medical professionals, you know, none of this would start to slow if it wasn’t for them and taking the proper precautions,” Mueller said.
SwampWoman said…
I worry about KnitWit becoming ill and being trapped with a psycho. I hope she got out.
MiamiVice said…
Hi Swampwoman,

My husband and I are in our 30’s but ever since my work at an outpatient center went down to emergency cases only (so I got laid off) and he was permitted to work from home, we’ve been pretty isolated. No block parties for us. We live in Coral Gables and I haven’t seen or heard of any block parties in our area. The one night some neighbors got obnoxiously loud on their balcony late at night and I almost called the front desk to complain but waited and it stopped (I think someone else called on them). Due to where we live, a little further from the beach, we don’t see a huge tourist influx, although some other states license plates are represented in the area

I’ve been getting out once a day for a walk and everyone around here is very respectful about social distancing and due to hardly any traffic it is safe to walk out into the street to social distance from others. Being from a small town in the Midwest for most of my life, I feel as though people have actually gotten friendlier down here through this. Everyone will acknowledge you with a wave or smile as you give them a wide berth. For me, learning another language always interested me and so I had studied Spanish for awhile before I ever moved here. I looked at the (about 30% of) patients who couldn’t speak English as a chance to practice my Spanish and they were always very gracious to me. Usually between the two of us we could speak enough of each other’s language to get by.

To anyone who considers healthcare, I always think another language is such an asset as there is nothing that makes you feel more vulnerable than being in a hospital or clinic and not speaking the language. I can’t imagine being effected by COVID-19 in a foreign hospital (although don’t get me wrong, here in Miami many people have lived here for many years and don’t speak English) and not really understanding what was happening to me.

Anon-unknown— I didn’t have to comment here before or on Nutty’s other blog. I’m fine to read along and enjoy the views of others until there is a point when I can’t stomach their attacks any longer.
abbyh said…

Good morning one and all.

I, too, have lost a little track of the days. Now that Mr. Abby is around all the time I have to stop and think about which day of the week it is.

I have some fabric and supplies for making masks. After ironing (2-3 weeks worth), maybe I will sit down and start making them. I'm thinking of giving them to some people I know who are non-sewers as the locals are selling them for $12 or more.
Sandie said…
A feel-good 2-minute video (and it will completely erase how the same song was used at the Sussexes' wedding ... and it was revealed by the choir later that they went through umpteenth versions to try and please the Sussexes).

Enjoy and stay safe.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
Whoohoo Bacardi!~ 🥃🙌🏻

(I'm usually very cynical about CSR but it's always funny & endearing coming from a booze company!! 😂😂 that made me happy 💜🍹 lololol.)
SwampWoman said…
Good morning, MiamiVice! I am gloomily drinking coffee and realizing that I am going to have to cut my own hair, the horror, as well as my poor spouse's hair. Snipsnipsnip...oh, dang, I got it a little short on that side. Hang on, I'll just even it up. Snipsnipsnip..oops. It could get ugly around here in every sense of the word! Meh, symmetry is overrated. I can always dye it aqua and pretend it was deliberate.

I prepared for the TP shortage, the mask shortage, the run on other paper products shortage, the medications shortage, and even a shoe shortage. I did NOT, however, purchase a barber shears on account of I should never be tempted when I can't reliably cut paper in a straight line. And now here we are.

Thanks for the update from down in Miami-Dade. Anybody wearing masks in public there? (Not much mask-wearing occurring here.) Lots of the area hobby guilds (quilters) are sewing for the hospitals and nursing homes.

The graduating (high school) seniors are pretty butthurt about no proms, no graduation ceremonies, etc. A big group of them from various high schools got together for a house party outside the city limits. (I'm a grandmother in my early 60s. My granddaughter was invited; she asked if they'd lost their minds.) One of the partiers tested positive in the last day or two, asymptomatic then, so a lot more people will be testing positive in the next week and their older family members will probably be in the hospital soon.

SwampWoman said…
Good for y'all that are sewing face masks for yourselves, family members, and members of the public. I'm going to be making covers for ours because (a) SwampMan feels self conscious and (b) disposable industrial masks are UGLY.
SwampWoman said…
Well, snap. I forgot to place the link address for a simple mask from News4Jax, so here it is: I put this one in because it has directions for people without sewing machines or those who are sewing machine impaired (grin). It is basically the same mask as on the JoAnn Fabric YouTube video except in a handsewn variation.

Of course, Joann Fabrics was ruled nonessential along with all the other fabric and sewing stores, so no more fabrics from THEM. It's not like there aren't over 300,000,000 people that suddenly have to make masks for their families.

Sorry, Joann. You should have bribed politicians.
CookieShark said…
Nurse here. We were told to wear 1 surgical mask for the 10 hour shift yesterday.

Some context:

A surgical mask is meant to be disposed of after the interaction with the patient. So, pre-COVID, if I go into a room and start peritoneal dialysis on a patient, I put a mask on the patient, put a mask on me, and set up the process. Once I am done in the room, I take the mask off the patient, take off my mask, and leave. When I go in later, the task requires a NEW mask.

So wearing the same surgical mask all day long is exposing patients and myself to every microbe and collected interaction from the shift. The hospitals can't win. They are telling us to "make do," but the "make do" process could contaminate who knows how many others.

My breaking point will be when we are re-using masks throughout the week, or when we run out of PPE. We are playing Russian Roulette here with who may or may not get infected.

Finally, look back at the lessons we learned from the Challenger and the Columbia Space disasters. Engineers working on the solid rocket boosters during Challenger said, "Do not launch unless it is 53 degrees or higher. The O-Rings will not function properly outside of the parameters." People did not listen to them.

PPE cannot be used willy-nilly. We are using it outside of the parameters. We do not know what the results will be. If any of us nurses survive this, we will be in litigation for the rest of our lives for contaminating patients and possibly harming them because we did not use PPE properly.
abbyh said…

If you get mail, you technically could order fabric from Joann's or another company over the net.
MiamiVice said…

Save your emails. Your workplace is making a new policy that you are to reuse PPE since there is limited supply available. The limited supply is well documented globally; therefore by policy and limited supply you should be protected in a lawsuit. This isn’t ideal, it’s a pandemic, so what would normally be standard of care unfortunately cannot exist right now. I’m sure there will be lawsuits when this is all over, but if you’re following documented policy you should be protected.

Most importantly, take care of yourself as best you can. I have no doubt that you take good care of your patients.
Portcitygirl said…

You are on my mind and in my prayers. This is all a nightmare for first responders all over.
SwampWoman said…
Woohooo! Just got a call that I'm going to be given some of the surgical material that University of Florida health recommended and is making their masks out of from a veterinary clinic. If I can get it, ladies, so can you.

CookieShark, I can only pray for you and recommend that you look into sourcing this from your hospital:
Boris's girl friend is reported to have tested positive - she's pregnant.
CookieShark said…
Thank you Miami, PortCity, and Swamp :)
SwampWoman said…
For those of you that raise livestock, this should be of interest:

So, Australians, is Monash University biomedicine unit something that I should pay attention to?

/Disclaimer: I wondered a few days ago what else I could use if I tested positive, and decided screw it, I'd try Ivermectin since I personally know it to be safe.
Rufus T said…
@ Wild Boar Battle-maid yes BoJo's partner has symptoms of covid19 but she says she has not been tested. I hope she and the baby will be ok.
Unknown said…
@Anon-Unknown I hope you don’t leave but I understand if you need to. I don’t know what else to say except that it’s never easy being a NYer or NJer inside or outside our home states. Good thing we’re tough cookies and we always get through things. Disagreements aside, we all will get through this TOGETHER.

I’m not trying to be political but to lighten the mood, I get a bit of chuckle that people forget Trump just moved from NY to FL mere months ago. He’s a born-and-bred NYer from Queens. He left before the hike in taxes he pushed on Blue States got to his doorstep. LOL.
Unknown said…
@SwampWoman Would the fabric people use for Black Out Curtains work for masks? I have a bunch of that which never got used for curtains.

My home has needed a deep cleaning for a long time so I started my Swedish Death Cleaning to cope with the stress. To my utter delight, I found a couple of boxes of surgical masks, an old sewing machine, thread, and a bunch of cotton fabric. My Mom was a big sewer in her youth. Looks like I am going to be learning how to sew after all. I’m a bit intimidated and I am having a hard time concentrating but maybe I can figure this out.
Unknown said…
It’s been a while since I saw @Liver Bird and @Hikari posting. I miss them and I am starting to get worried...
abbyh said…

Charade - sewing tip:

lubricate all moveable parts of the sewing machine (open up as much access as possible).

If you don't lubricate it, it will be the equivalent of never changing the oil in your car.
Unknown said…
Thanks @abbyh :) Will plain mineral oil work? If not, I will wait until I can get my hands on sewing machine oil.
abbyh said…

I don't know but I would not try it: my machine oil is labeled: Clear, Stainless. It has this little pull out so the tube extends down into places I can't reach otherwise. Easy peasy and available at fabric store.

What you might do is to google the instructions for your machine as it may have the lubrication spots marked out. Basically they are where metal meets metal movement but mine has a wool maybe thing which needs soaking also.

Also, I was taught not to sew over pins (had to teach my mother not to). It messes up the timing.
Ian's Girl said…
Ivermectin can be gotten at feed/supply stores, but you have to be extremely careful about the dosing, which is obviously different for livestock. If math is not your strongsuit, I wouldn't mess with it, but it's handy to have on hand.
MiamiVice said…
Have you all seen this?

It’s the projected model of how this will play out. You can scroll to your state and it will tell you if your state will have any bed shortages be they regular beds or ICU beds. It also tells you when your state should peak in terms of deaths and maximum infections. Florida’s projected peak is May 3’rd.
SwampWoman said…
an's Girl said...
Ivermectin can be gotten at feed/supply stores, but you have to be extremely careful about the dosing, which is obviously different for livestock. If math is not your strongsuit, I wouldn't mess with it, but it's handy to have on hand.

It is pretty safe in livestock even when overdosed (can give 'em diarrhea). It has been used in people for years for parasites and head lice. Some people have used it to self-treat rosacea. It is reportedly effective but I have no direct knowledge.

The caution is to take care or avoid if a person has hepatic disease.

I have used it for ear mites in rabbits; however, just using avocado oil (or any kind of oil) will kill ear mites as well. It will just take longer.

And, yes, I've been involuntarily dosed with it more than I'd like when worming cattle/horses/hogs with a drench gun. Sometimes they'd whack me with their head just when I was depressing the plunger and wham! Face full, sometimes mouthful of wormer. It is extremely bitter, BTW, so I don't blame 'em for not wanting it.
SwampWoman said…
Abbyh, I'm going to drag my mother's sewing machine out tomorrow as well and *shudder* try to find a video on YouTube on how to lube it and thread it. I need to see if there are any needles in there. Perhaps we can learn together-ish. I will if you will!

I'm still contemplating getting a Baby Lock serger while they are on sale but only because I'm fundamentally lazy (grin).
Leela said…
Aargh! A long comment did not post.

Short version: many many thanks to @swampwoman for all the tips on gloving, masking, hair covering, ear and eye protection for my first trip to the grocery store since March 11. Was a chore, but thanks to your posts I felt comfortable that I was protected. Saved my surgical mask in a dated paper bag in the garage, showered down, washed bags, clothes and shoes in hot water.

Now I need a nap!
Leela said…
I have lurked her for many months. Just popped up the other night to spout off and I shouldn’t have, but @Nutty, I am not a Meg-bot. I just now have figured out the sign in thingy.

I live in Charlotte NC. I was very surprised at how many people were out and about today. Lots of walkers, joggers, bikers, convertible riders, etc. My store was only about one-third as full as normal, though. About half of shoppers had masks on, half of those were surgical masks and half were homemade or bandanas. I was the only one I noticed with gloves on.

I normally work at home but am single and live alone, so I used to make a trip out each day to have a meeting, meet girls for dinner, occasional dates, or shop, so it has been hard to stay in so much. Our weather is glorious, full-on Spring, with scads of pollen everywhere. Bright green cars. I have been in since March 11th, except for walks and daily sunbathing for vitamin C.

I am 10 days short of celebrating my 10 year late stage cancer victory, so I am not about to let a darn virus get me now. The party will be postponed.

I have really enjoyed reading comments from all over the world, from S. Africa to Netherlands, East coast, West coast and in-between. Many thanks to all who contribute so much so often. I will probably lurk more than post, but I am here and sending all of you best wishes for happy, healthy lives..

Leela said…
Sunbathing for Vitamin D.
Portcitygirl said…

Found this on
Portcitygirl said…

Also found on
Portcitygirl said…
Also, didn't HAMS just associate themselves with the Gates? Very interesting indeed. Follow the money. If you take time to read the article it is very telling.
Some light has been cast on flour shortage in UK!

Social distancing regulations for workplaces mean that the number of staff who usually work in the packing department has had to be reduced - hence the reduced output.

Lovely weather this w/e - usual idiots out in droves in London parks and at Brighton. Many lounging about -ie not out for exercise. So the parks get closed, serve'em right.

New Labour party leader says he'll work with the Government to deal with crisis. Good, I thought.
First thing he's done is to criticise the way it's been handled so far. I should have known.
There are whispers here that Metformin, prescribed for certain cases of diabetes, may be relevant in the present crisis- it was mentioned on the BBC news yesterday

There's anecdotal evidence that patients taking it live longer even than non-diabetics. Very interesting.
What part of STAY AT HOME don't people understand?
Portcitygirl said…

Fauci video made its way to the DM. I just find it incredible that tptb left our countrymen and women so woefully unprepared when they were most certain this was on the horizon. We have always been preppers to some degree due to the storms, but I have a new level of respect for serious full blown preppers now. Bill Gates' ID2020 has made it to the comment section as well. Pretty wild stuff out there.

On a personal note, my bil is mad at me because I won't let him visit. I told him we would reevaluate the situation in two weeks after our peak which is around April 18th I believe. Big sigh. He is by himself and a recent widower. Sad days.
Portcitygirl said…

At this rate of chubbiness due to the ipa and stress eating, I may qualify. 😄😜
SwampWoman said…
Good to see you, @Leela! I hope you stay safe.

@Abbyh, here's another pattern that doesn't use elastic OR homemade ties for those of us with a limited attention span (grin): It is SUPPOSED to take 5 minutes to make (which will probably be two hours for me) but it is quite clever! (She uses synthetic clothesline for ties and gardening wire for the wire to fit to face and says you can get it from Home Depot or Lowe's although you COULD have gotten it from the fabric and craft stores (which are all closed).
SwampWoman said…
Portcitygirl said...

At this rate of chubbiness due to the ipa and stress eating, I may qualify. 😄😜

I may have sneaky purchased a bag of Ghirardelli dark chocolate sea salt caramel bunnies at the grocery store yesterday. And as an aside, I will say that the grocery store had no toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, the ground beef was $5.00 a lb. for the cheap fatty stuff, there was no milk, frozen food, or canned goods, but they had dark chocolate sea salt caramel bunnies. PRIORITIES, people! Those bunnies should not have been on the shelf for me to eat. And I did, the whole bag.

I made the life-threatening milk run because SwampMan was getting all upset because the milk was almost gone. Which was his fault.

Don't bogart that Metformin, my friends!

Now, back to the reasons that Metformin *may* be effective. The Chinese (I know, lying liars) made the observation that diabetics were extremely susceptible to the virus. Since Metformin brings down blood sugar, it may be effective in that way. Metformin has been noted to fight inflammation although I don't think they know how or why (I believe elevated blood sugar produces inflammation). Y'all can look it up online and read the studies.

Okay, now I'm venturing out into wildly speculative territory here (if I could sound klaxons of warning I would at this point). Are you prepared for wild speculation? Okay, here goes! *Maybe* it can help calm the cytokine storm that this disease can elicit that often kills the patient.
Leela said…
Thanks@Nutty and @SwampWoman for the welcomes!

And thanks for the Little Feat reference, “Don’t bogart that Metformin.” Where is Dallas Alice these days?

I read that diabetes is a factor in covid 19 deaths, so I wonder how the Metformin info ties in? So much research will be done, for years, I’m sure.

Right now I am researching how many fun size Milky Ways can fit in my mouth at one time.
Portcitygirl said…
Lol, Swampwoman! Enjoy your stash!

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